IAI优秀奖-华府豪景Washington DC

人生犹如白驹过隙转瞬即逝,活在当下,抓住这仅有的美好,忘却那些扰人的烦恼。 色彩上-利用色彩平衡法则让本案空间丰富的色彩达到视觉上的平衡,让人深入其中,忘却那扰人的烦恼,享受空间。 空间上-简化了美式线条,融入了现代元素,将材质之间柔和过度使之互相融合,静谧且温馨。 

Life is like a white horse passing by, living in the moment, grasping the only beauty and forgetting the disturbing troubles. Color-Use the color balance rule to make the rich colors of the space of this case achieve visual balance, let people go deep into it, forget the disturbing troubles, and enjoy the space. Spatially-the American lines are simplified, modern elements are incorporated, and the softness and excessiveness of the materials are blended with each other, quiet and warm。