
随着时代的发展,大多数现代人对生活的思考也在逐渐进步。在工作闲暇之余,越来越多的人选择依靠运动来排解压力。这款PII FIT健身房的空间设计作品便是看中了这一点。考虑到健身人群的年龄段主要集中在20-30岁左右,设计师从电影《创·战纪》中获得灵感,将未来科技与时尚健身结合,打造了一款由黑色作为底色,黄、蓝、紫色灯条构成的超现实健身空间。黑色拓宽了空间感,而灯条则在标示框架的同时还起到了动线引导的作用。为了保证更加沉浸式的体验,该场馆的各个区域的投影器材采用了180度广角无缝投影的特殊技术。其中,PII FIT还根据不同区域使用人群的性别比例与运动类别做了差异化处理,例如HOLOFITS房采用了触摸屏地板,而普拉提房顶坐拥了粉光与星空。 

As the era unfolds, most modern people are also upgrading their thinking about life. More people are now choosing to exercise to relieve stress in their spare time, which is the key point considered in the space design of PII FIT gym. Given fitness groups mainly in their 20s and 30s, the designer, inspired by the film “Tron: Legacy”, combines future technology with fashion fitness to create a surreal fitness space taking black as the background color and matched with yellow, blue and purple line lights. Black color can broaden the sense of space, while the line lights mark the frame and play a role in guiding the circulation. To ensure a more immersive experience, the projection equipment in each area of the venue adopts the special technology of 180-degree wide-angle seamless projection. PII FIT also differentiates each area as per their sex ratio of users and sports types, such as adopting a touch screen floor in HOLOFITS room, and decorating Pilates room with pink lights and starry sky on its ceiling.