IAI优秀奖-湖玺庄园18号 No.18 Huxi Villa

这是一次将新古典设计大胆改造成现代风格的尝试,灵感来源于设计师对健康的本真认识——在忙碌了一天之后,人们渴望回归生活的简单与淳朴,享受慢下来的生活。设计师以自己独到的见解,跳脱原建筑风格的羁绊,结合阳光、空气、水的质朴理念,引入现代都市风格元素,以自然本真缔造简约生活,做到了自然与酷、生活与酷的结合。 在设计过程中,我们充分融入阳光、空气、水的健康理念,以居住舒适度为出发点,将原客厅拱形门窗改为三角形门窗,与建筑结构原有的三角屋顶完美结合,增加采光的同时引进自然空气。 该别墅设计整体采用了原木色材质,灰色大理石,原始花岗岩石皮,黑色不锈钢框及黑色木门套。玄关则用了大理石开槽雕刻乱拼工艺,楼梯创新使用不锈钢玻璃加LED等线新技术。卫生间及西厨采用木质顶面防潮的新技术,兼顾美观与实用。家庭厅电视墙面采用花岗岩外石皮及不锈钢工艺。 别墅的各功能空间整体采用极简手法,通透开敞的空间,造型干净利落,搭配室内纯粹的现代设计,体现出现代简约的生活品质。

 This is a bold attempt to transform neoclassical design into a modern style. The design is inspired by the designer's true understanding of health. After a busy day, people are eager to return to a simple life and enjoy the slow-paced life from the noisy city. The designer, with his own unique insight, jumps out of the fetters of the original architectural style, combined with the simple concept of sunlight, air and water. He also introduces a modern urban style elements and creates a simple life with the nature, achieving the combination of nature and cool, life and cool. We fully adopt the health concept of sunshine, air and water. Considering the comfort, we change the arched doors and windows into triangle ones,which perfectly combined with the original triangular roof of the building structure to increase natural light while introducing fresh air. The villa is designed with natural color, gray marble, raw granite, black stainless steel frame and black wooden door cover. and the stairs use new technologies such as stainless steel glass and LED.The bathroom and western kitchen adopt new technology of moisture-proofing on the wooden top surface, taking into account both beauty and practicality. The TV wall is made of granite stone and stainless steel. Each functional space adopts minimalism as a whole, with transparent and open space, clean and neat modeling, as well as modern interior design, reflecting the modern and simple living quality.