
全新WISH从设计到施工,以唯美的白调为主。让每位准新娘都能在这个凝练的空间中能感受工法与面料的极致美学,以最放松的状态,迎接自己的至美时刻,找到那令人憧憬的幸福感。 只需惊鸿一瞥,这空间便令人无尽向往。 从设计到选材的每个环节都精雕细琢。室内空间的外用,提升了门面的空间感和延展性。外设三个box窗形空间,在展示婚纱本身的同时带来视觉的强烈冲击力。倾斜处理的水泥灰肌理立柱,坚硬,朴拙,象征着庄重典雅的希腊神庙,突出婚纱的仪式感。 半悬空的旋转水晶楼梯,灵动闪耀,梦幻无暇。当身着珠光宝萃的白纱盛装缓缓而下时,华丽的拖尾在楼梯上流动,纯白的灯光洒落在皮肤……这一幕简直美得惊心动魄。 从砖面切缝,包括每一束光线的角度都体现着极简、实用、完美的设计理念和设计追求。 在无数次与业主、设计师的交流中得到启发,让空间在设计的束缚之下趋于完美,这间极具梦幻和仪式感的婚纱殿堂,每一处独立的空间都是惊艳,每一处细节都经得起时间的沉淀,就像是一件精致奢华的婚纱,满足你对幸福的所有幻想。 城市的夜晚喧嚣不止,而我们试图让它增加一些精致、庄重。

 In order to let every bride-to-be feel the ultimate aesthetics of wedding dresses and enjoy the happiness moment from the space ,the New Wish is created by white element all the way from design to construction. With a glance, your heart is filled with yearning by the space. From design to material selection, the whole process is meticulously crafted. The external use of the interior space enhances the sense of space and ductility of the facade. There are three box-shaped spaces extended to outside, which bring a strong visual impact while displaying the wedding dresses. The inclined gray concrete columns symbolize the solemn and elegant Greek temple, highlight the ritual sense of the wedding dress. The semi-dangling revolving crystal staircase is brilliant and imaginative. When the gorgeous trailing tail of dresses flows on the stairs as the bride walking downstairs, the image is breathtakingly beautiful. The minimalist、pragmatism and perfectionist are reflected in every single detail, including the cutting surface of each brick and the angle of each beam light. By the inspiration from countless discussion, the design make the space as close as possible to perfect. In this dreamy and ceremonial wedding hall, every independent space is splendid, and every detail last exquisite as time passing, just like a delicate and luxurious wedding dress, satisfying all your illusions about happiness. The city is full of hustle and bustle at night, and we are trying to make it more refined and majestic.