
啤器是一家位于时尚街区,提供世界各地啤酒种类,以特色中式烤串为主的工业风休闲聚会圣地。用啤酒元素贯穿整个餐厅设计,将回收空酒瓶、易拉罐与装修结合,以墙面涂鸦形式阐述啤酒制作流程,营造出浓厚的酒吧式餐厅氛围。 餐厅一进门便是用回收啤酒瓶做的墙面,酒瓶背后别有用心的LED电子屏,在夜晚愈发的散发光芒;复古电单车及墙面画着身披盔甲的牛和舞姿妖娆的羊,又给空间增加几分俏皮感。冷色调的地板、天花、桌椅,暖色调的灯光、餐具,冷暖结合,让身处其中的食客,既能享受宁静,又能倍感温馨。卡座、餐位、包间和吧台的设计,无论你是周末小聚的闺中密友,还是甜蜜的情侣,或是HIP-HOP少年间的聚会,都可选择到心仪的座位。易拉罐做的矮隔断分隔了空间,增加了私密性。餐区正中间设置了DJ台,音乐响起时,劲爆的音乐、迷幻的灯光又让人恍惚处于酒吧当中。

 The beercuz restaurant is an industrial-style leisure gathering site, located in a fashionable neighborhood, serving various types of beer from all over the world, featuring Chinese-style grilled skewers.The beer elements run through the design of the restaurant, which combines the recycled wine bottles, cans and decoration, expounds the beer production process in the form of wall graffiti, and creates a strong bar-style restaurant atmosphere. As soon as entering the restaurant, there is a wall which is made of recycled beer bottles. The LED electronic screen with an ulterior motive behind the bottle is more and more shining at night. The retro motorcycles and the walls are painted with armored cows and enchanting sheep, which also add the space a little bit of playfulness. Cold-toned floors, ceilings, tables and chairs, warm-toned lights, cutlery, cold and warm combination, so that the diners in it can enjoy the tranquility and warmth. The design of the deck, the dining room, the private room and the bar, whether you are a close friend of the weekend, a sweet couple, or a HIP-HOP teen gathering, you can choose your favorite seat. The short partition made of cans separates the space and increases privacy. The DJ station is set in the middle of the dining area. When the music is ringing, the burst music and psychedelic lights make people trance in the middle of the bar.