IAI优秀奖-港龙·铂樾府售楼处 Ganglong shaoxing sales center

在本案的室内设计中我们将延续建筑的表现语言,用现代的手法展现江南古建的传统与精美。用简洁的线条,传统江南风景的配色,明快的灯光诠释一种现代与古典相结合的舒适空间感受。整体配色以江南清雅大地色为主体色,红色作为跳色,代表着喜庆、热闹与祥和。也是中国人的文化图腾和精神皈依。 结合生活,艺术,空间概念的综合美学理念,通过对空间的二次塑造及整合,体现经典与现代美学之间的平衡,并以空间的实际使用角度出发,提升环境与使用者的互动,这是空间人文塑造与理念诠释之后的一个全新设计视野.平面格局上划分了接待区、洽谈区、水吧区、儿童娱乐区等区域,满足不同的体验需求,每一个空间都充斥东方禅境的清净与陶然。 该售楼处分为两层,红色作为跳色,在每个空间设计上都与众不同,体现了“传承东方文脉,汲取民族风情,享东方人文气息”的主题。接待区与沙盘区结合起来,贯穿整个空间,以其巨大的仪式感,升华了整个空间的气场,使人们在空旷静谧的空间中,感受到敬意和尊重。同时大厅高层的挑高,山水画嵌入其中,在墙面上所形成的巨大体量感,以及垂挂于沙盘区中心的吊灯,相互呼应。洽谈区部分相对其他区域来说更加安静更加强调纵向空间和光影效果。通过玻璃过滤后投进来的阳光轻柔地照射在桌上。米白色调的大胆运用,铺垫了这里温润柔和的基调,局部洋洋洒洒的中国红,进一步渲染了雅致悠然的艺术氛围。

 In the interior design of this case, we will continue the expression language of architecture, and show the tradition and beauty of ancient buildings in Jiangnan with modern methods. With simple lines, traditional Jiangnan scenery color matching, bright lighting interpretation of a combination of modern and classical comfortable space feeling. The color of the whole color is mainly the elegant earth color of the south of the Yangtze River. Red is the jumping color, representing the festivity, liveliness and peace. It is also the cultural totem and spiritual conversion of Chinese people.Combined with the comprehensive aesthetic concept of life, art and space concepts, through the secondary shaping and integration of space, it reflects the balance between classic and modern aesthetics, and improves the interaction between environment and users from the perspective of actual use of space, This is a new design vision after the creation and interpretation of the concept of space. The plane pattern is divided into reception area, negotiation area, water bar area, children's entertainment area and other areas to meet different experience needs. Each space is filled with the purity and happiness of Oriental Zen. The sales building is divided into two floors, with red as the jumping color, which is different in each space design, reflecting the theme of "inheriting the oriental culture, absorbing the national customs and enjoying the oriental cultural atmosphere". The reception area and sand table area are combined to run through the whole space. With its huge sense of ceremony, it sublimates the aura of the whole space, making people feel respect and respect in the open and quiet space. At the same time, the high-rise of the hall, the landscape paintings embedded in it, the huge sense of volume formed on the wall, and the chandeliers hanging in the center of the sand table area echo each other. Compared with other areas, the negotiation area is more quiet and emphasizes the vertical space and light and shadow effect. The sunlight filtered through the glass fell gently on the table. The bold use of beige color paved the way for the soft and gentle tone here, and the local Chinese red color further rendered the elegant and leisurely artistic atmosphere.