IAI优秀奖-光明·璟宸苑售楼处 Bright Life Jingchen Garden Kunming

自古以来,中国文人尤其注重心境的表达,以「东方之美」的设计语言,描绘东方文化自然真趣,刻画细腻,有若自然,超越理性的虚构,赋予“空之灵”的艺术气质。查阅售楼处地理位置后,当地有一楼面临滇池,登楼四顾,景致极为辽阔壮观,故命名为“大观楼”,作为江南名楼之一的大观楼,不仅景色诱人,它的绝世楹联是其最大的特色。将大观楼与大观楼长联文化完美融入设计中。 该售楼处分为三层,大堂的设计运用了中式建筑的斗拱形式挑空,形成入口处的气势,云南的山水自然景观及建筑的风貌特点,都通过各种形式运用到了空间设计。随处可见中轴对称、层层递进的空间序列。徐徐步入售楼部的前厅,这里和传统的形式有着明显的区别,并没有浓郁的商业氛围,以雅致的空间色调和诗意的艺术设计语言,让人感觉像置身于现代都市中的山水景色之中。大理石台面伫立眼前,其后的金属线框层次丰富,奠定了空间品质、人文底蕴。接待区以铁锈红为跳色,上方衬以镂空形式金属板。光线和屏风的交织,每个元素的点缀都承载着闲雅逸然的书墨文气。洽谈区座位对称排布,疏落有秩,清简的东方美学语言缓缓萦绕。 在干净简洁的空间界面,点缀底蕴深厚的东方元素,用简单自然的手法渲染自然东方的生活环境。空间以艺术品陈列的妙趣横生来表达传统文化中的文人趣味性,这种微妙的排列使人驻足停留,呈现出历史与现代之间融会贯通的感官体验。

 Since ancient times, Chinese literati have paid special attention to the expression of mood. With the design language of "Oriental beauty", they have described the natural interest of Oriental culture. The description is delicate, just like nature, beyond rational fiction, and endowed with the artistic temperament of "spirit of emptiness". After checking the geographical location of the sales office, the local first floor faces the Dianchi Lake, and the scenery is extremely vast and spectacular. Therefore, it is named "Daguanlou". As one of the famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River, Daguanlou is not only attractive in scenery, but its unique couplets are its biggest feature. The culture of Daguanlou and Daguanlou is perfectly integrated into the design. The sales building is divided into three floors. The design of the lobby uses the bucket arch form of Chinese architecture to form the momentum of the entrance. The natural landscape and architectural features of Yunnan are applied to the space design through various forms. There are axial symmetry and progressive spatial sequences everywhere. Walking into the front office of the sales department, there is an obvious difference between the traditional form and here, and there is no strong commercial atmosphere. With elegant spatial tone and poetic artistic design language, people feel like being in the landscape of modern city. The marble platform stands in front of the eyes, and the metal wire frame behind it is rich in layers, laying the space quality and cultural heritage. The reception area is made of rust red and lined with hollowed out metal plates. With the interweaving of light and screen, each element embellishment carries the elegant and elegant style of calligraphy and ink. The seats in the negotiation area are arranged symmetrically and orderly, and the Oriental aesthetic language of Qing Dynasty lingers. In the clean and simple space interface, embellishment the profound oriental elements, and use simple and natural techniques to render the natural Oriental living environment. The space expresses the literati's interest in traditional culture with the witty display of artworks. This delicate arrangement makes people stop and stay, presenting the sensory experience of integration between history and modern.