
河南新乡,作为《诗经》的重要发源地之一,诗韵和书法的文化内涵恰能代表地域的人文气质。在传统与当代的时间长轴里,设计师试图借其形,将具象的形体抽象化。提取重构新乡在地人文历史元素,设计团队努力去呈现一种充满东方诗意的沉浸式空间体验。 为减弱空间的空泛,立面处理上以精致的细节和丰富的层次,注入竹编为文化符号,提取竹之“形”、“貌”,以夹竹叶的形态与透光的玻璃结合展示。空间随着人的行走变化,人的感官体验是流动的。 一幅画,一组枯石,格栅与花格处于空间的起始于尽头,大厅和连廊的光与景相互映衬,好似诉说着他们的历史和生命。空间中的景与公共的私属性在开合与收放的空间形态中演绎着律动,试图重新建立起人与环境的共存关系。 设计师独具匠心地将汉字的笔画拆解与重组,引入龙山文化骨刻文的再设计与呈现,最后提取演变为艺术装置。古典抽象的汉字文化施以现代的亚克力串联,碰撞出跨越时空的宏伟对话。

Xinxiang, as one of the important cradles of the Book of Songs, the cultural connotation of poetry and calligraphy can exactly represent the humanistic temperament of the region in Henan Province. In the traditional and contemporary time axis, the designer tries to borrow its form and abstract the concrete form. The design team strives to present an immersive spatial experience full of Oriental poetry by extracting and reconstructing the local cultural and historical elements. In order to reduce the emptiness of the space, the facade with delicate details and rich layers, infusing bamboo as cultural symbols, extracting its "shape" and "appearance", and displaying the form with bamboo leaves mixed with transparent glass. The space changes with people's walking, and people's sensory experience is fluid. A painting, a group of dry stones, grilles and latticework at the beginning and end of the space, the hall and corridor light and scene set off each other, as if telling their history and life. Landscape and public private properties in the space deduce the sense of rhythm, trying to re-establish the coexistence relationship between people and the environment. The designer creatively disassembles and reassembles the strokes of Chinese characters, introduces the redesign and presentation of longshan culture bone inscriptions, and finally extracts and evolves into an art installation. The classical and abstract Chinese character culture is connected by modern acrylic, which creates a magnificent dialogue across time and space.