IAI金奖-W-house极简私宅设计/W-house Minimalist Private Home Design

这是一个三口之家居住的景观私宅设计。因为是十几年前开发的户型,这套房子不仅存在大量复杂的剪力墙,斜向外墙和外窗也给室内空间造成一些家具摆放及视觉误差问题。针对户型特征和业主的实际生活需求,设计师将空间布局成两个类似半套间的特殊关系,调整动线至流畅的“W”型。并尽可能利用飘窗等方式化解布局和视觉方面的问题。 圣·埃克苏佩里说过,「设计师知道自己的作品在臻于完美时,并不在于无以复加,而在于无从删减」,这也是我们在做这个空间时的理念。尽可能克制得呈现出极少表象装饰,靠空间、材质、光线创造出的不同于寻常的干净生活感受,或者说是一种净化过的内在哲学体验。 而极简倾向的表情下,是设计师对融合中西生活方式空间的探索。150 ㎡的空间里,不仅有兼容中西的餐厨空间,有寓教于乐的客厅空间,更有半开放书房、一体式地台床、飘窗阅读区、步入式衣帽间等新的都市家庭生活方式。 书房套儿童房的设计更是体现了业主对西式教育理念的倡导:儿童房内不做过多设计,而是给小朋友预留了独立活动、选择和想象的空间;书房与儿童房共享一个「沟通窗」,但私密性百叶帘的控制权却在小朋友手里,体现的是对儿童自主权和隐私的尊重。 客厅的主墙使用了两种对比冲突强烈的材质:中央用OSB板做开放书架和悬浮低柜,两侧用黑钛拉丝不锈钢做视听收纳柜。整个收纳墙面一分为四,通过两扇定制的推拉门,实现书架主题与视听主题两种客厅氛围的切换。本图同时演示了折叠的激光投影机平台与暗藏式电动幕布的开启。 黑色金属直线条作为这次设计搭配的重要元素贯穿始终,其代表的「点」「线」「面」对比桦木饰面包裹的墙体、阅读飘窗,以及沙发、橱柜所代表的「体」,形成很好的层次和对比。 整体来说,暖色温润的质感相对靠近地面和人体需要放松接触的表面,冷色和硬线条靠近上方及视觉停留望向的地方。这样既做到了身体上的放松和安全感,又照顾到了视觉的清爽和通达感。 

The power of reduction - W-house minimalist private home design This is a landscape private home designed for a family of three. Because it is a type of apartment developed more than ten years ago, this house not only has a large number of complex shear walls, but also the outward wall and the outer window cause some furniture placement and visual error problems in the interior space. For the characteristics of the house and the real life needs of the owner, we will arrange the space into two special relationships similar to the half-set, and adjust the moving line to the smooth "W" type. And use the bay window as much as possible to solve the layout and visual problems. St. Exupery said, "Designers know that their work is not perfect when it is perfect, but it is impossible to cut it down." This is also the idea when we are doing this space. It is as restrained as possible to present a small representational decoration, a different kind of clean living experience created by space, material, and light, or a purified inner philosophical experience. Under the skin of the minimalist mansion, it is the designer's exploration of the fusion of Chinese and Western lifestyle spaces. In the 150 m2 space, there is not only a kitchen space compatible with Chinese and Western cuisine, but also a living room with fun and education. There are also new urban homes such as a semi-open study room, an integrated floor bed, a bay window reading area, and a walk-in closet. lifestyle.The design of the study room for children's room reflects the owner's advocacy of the western education concept: the children's room does not do too much design, but reserves the space for independent activities, choices and imagination for the children; the study room and the children's room share a "communication window", but the control of the private blinds is in the hands of the children, reflecting the respect for children's autonomy and privacy. The main wall of the living room uses two materials with strong contrast conflicts: the central OSB is used as the open bookcase and the suspended low cabinet, and the black titanium brushed stainless steel is used as the audio-visual storage cabinet on both sides. The entire storage wall is divided into four, through two custom-made sliding doors, the two living room atmospheres of the bookshelf theme and audio-visual theme are switched. This photo also demonstrates the opening of a folded laser projector platform and a hidden electric screen. The ferrous metal straight line is an important element of this design. The “point”, “line” and “face” of the ferrous metal line are compared with the wall covered by the birch veneer, the reading bay window, and the “body” represented by the sofa and the cabinet. Form a good level and contrast. Overall, the warm and warm texture is relatively close to the surface of the ground and the body that needs to be relaxed, and the cool and hard lines are close to the top and the place where the visual stops. This not only achieves physical relaxation and security, but also takes care of the refreshing and sensation of vision.