
灵感来自圣托里尼Istoria酒店,有的时候美好的事物从眼睛里略过的一瞬间便会让人心驰神往,若不能立刻在她面前,那便把她画出来,这应该是作为一个设计师对美好事物另类的执着。 SENSE STUDIO “集”美发工作室作为一群热爱行业的年轻创业者共同创立的品牌, 不同于普通的商业空间,她脱离了传统的闹市商业区,把自己隐藏在边缘小区的点式楼里,依然掩盖不住自身的商业价值。 我们并没有把她当做一个传统品类的商业空间来设计,在满足了基本功能之后,我们更注重于她的艺术表达和情感交互,我们希望所有的人在这个空间内能得到理发之外的惊喜。 空间规划上我们并没有做太复杂的动线,我们想表达直接的交互方式,等待,更衣,洗头,剪发,一气呵成。 我们更注重于让说有的人坐在这个空间内的任何一个角度,都能感受到美好事物很直接的视觉传达。 保留原有的旧建筑的肌理,与新材质的糅合,产生不一样的化学反应,她可能是矛盾,是对峙,最后是依存。

 The inspiration comes from Istoria hotel in Santorini.Sometimes, the moment of wonderful things skipping ahead attracts us a lot.If you can not stand in front of her immediately,Then you can draw her out.That’s the designer’s special insistence for niceness. SENSE, as a co-founded brand with young entrepreneurs who love hairdressing,Is different from ordinary commercial space. She separates herself from downtown business districts and hides in point-type buildings of marginal districts. But that can not hide its own commercial value. We don’t take it as a traditional commercial space designed. Besides the necessary functions, we pay more attention to her artful expressiveness and emotional interaction. We hope all the people can get more surprises except hairdressing itself. We did not do complicated moving lines in spatial planning. What we want to express are directed interactions, such as waiting, changing clothes,washing head and hairdressing, writing at one’s stretch. And what we focus more on is that we make all the people at any corner in this space can enjoy niceness directly. Retaining all the old building’s texture and mixing together new materials can produce a different chemical reaction. Maybe she is contradictory, she is opposed, but they are dependent in the end.