IAI最佳设计奖-风生环流-Wind Circulation

世间万物,自诞生的一刻便有它独有的灵魂。新旧时代的更迭中,历史与创新血液的碰撞,即是一脉相承的表现也是火花四射的瞬间。 我们在脑海中臆想,将精益求精的创新精神化为时代的新风,记录着历史轨迹的年轮化为空间之魂,两者相互贯穿,相辅相成。

Everything in the world has its own unique soul from the moment of birth. During the change of the old and new times, the collision between history and innovation blood can not only be traced to the same origin, but also a sparkling moment. We delve into our minds, turning the innovative spirit of constantly striving for excellence into the new trend of the times, turning the annual rings recording the historical trajectory into the soul of space and the two interpenetrate and complement each other.