IAI铜奖-云端之城-High In The Clouds

当耸入云霄的建筑与庄严堂皇的律法相遇,圣钟长鸣,钟灵毓秀。 广东环球经纬律师事务所新办公室位于猎德桥畔,俯视整个珠江新城。 在项目设计上设计师提取广东环球经纬律师事务所的核心理念“环球视野,本土智慧。”两大概念为基调,借助直达天际的高度开拓眼界,毗邻珠江的开阔放宽视野,以珠江千年历史智慧的沉淀与集学识大成的法典,赋予格局与智慧。 环球之上、经纬之间、法律之巅均在云端,打造一座视觉与内涵两相对应的“云端之城”,端正稳健,又不失亲和。 

When the building that rises to the sky meets the majestic law, the bell is ringing and the bell is graceful. The new office of guangdong global economic & latitude law firm is located by lede bridge overlooking the pearl river new town. In the design of the project, the designer extracted the core concept of guangdong global law firm, "global vision, local wisdom". Two concepts as the keynote, with the height of reaching the sky to broaden the horizon, adjacent to the pearl river to broaden the horizon, with the pearl river millennium historical wisdom precipitation and collection of knowledge into the code, endow pattern and wisdom. Above the globe, between the longitude and latitude, the top of the law are in the cloud, to create a visual and connotation of the two corresponding "cloud city", correct and stable, but not friendly.