IAI铜奖-圣果成长园 Sengo Wonderland

合景教育集团是合景泰富集团子公司,"圣果成长园"为合景教育集团重点打造的教育品牌,是一家专注于服务0-6岁儿童的日托+早教+儿童培训综合教育品牌。 圣果成长园-菁品园校区位于广州东圃,是一所托育中心。场地使用面积约1000㎡,配置6间托班教室+1间感统教室+1间美术教室+1间音体室+绘本区跟游戏角,以“保教结合、贴心定制”为宗旨,致力于打造一所利于孩子身心健康发展的托育中心。 

KWG Education Group is a subsidiary of KWG Group Holdings , the "SengoWonderland " is the education brand of KWG Education Group, which is a comprehensive education brand focusing on daycare, early education and children training for children aged 0-6 Sengo Wonderland Jingpin GardenCampus is located in Dongpu, Guangzhou, which is a nursery center. With an area of about 1,000 square meters, It is equipped with 6 classrooms, a sense classroom, an art classroom, a sound room picture area and game corner.With the aim of "teaching combined, intimate customization ",we are committed to building a nursery that is conducive to the healthy development of children.