IAI优秀奖-Pier Coffee

位於氹仔舊城區一角咖啡店,委託了艾迪空間設計團隊,將這間小店從頭到尾徹底大變身,打造出令人耳目一新的小清新工業風。 呼應以環保為核心的企業理念,艾迪空間設計團隊總監Hero Chu,在保留原有的店舖結構下,不使用過多包裝及建材,回歸自然簡單的面貌,以大量木作線條及白色系,構築出清新無垢的涼風感。一走進來,就有一種夏日微風清拂的好心情。 地面以水泥為店舖引入簡約主意空間概念,沒有多餘的裝飾,透過門口玻璃大門的幾個小字,詼諧逗趣的宣示公司的核心價值。咖啡陳列空間裡透過遠近交錯排列的格柵工法,產生通透又隱約的空間感,一整片木作元素中,顯眼的綠色磚牆搭配著木紋牆紙,彷彿就像一棵大樹,綻放出綠意盎然的生機。吧台區後方,以一幅立體牆板擘劃出一處手作咖啡料理空間,每個角落都藏著設計師令人驚豔的小巧思,也賦予展示空間更多元且完善的機能。

 Pier Coffee which located in the corner of Taipa Village entrusted IDEAL DESIGN to transform a small shop to a breath of fresh air industrial style coffee shop. To echoes environmental friendly as the core corporate philosophy, our Design Director – Hero Chu, regress natural simple features by retaining the existing structure and not using excessive packaging and materials. With lots of wood patterns and white tones to create a refreshing and clean mood. As you walk in, you can feel the summer breeze. The floor is made of cement. Minimalist space is the main concept of the shop. Through the entrance signage and no superfluous decoration, announcing the core values of the company in a humorous way. The staggered grid in the coffee display area creates a transparent and faint sense of space. In the whole piece of the wood element, conspicuous green brick wall with wood grain wallpaper, as if it is a large tree blooming with greenery vitality. Behind the bar area, a three-dimensional wall panel is used to create a space for brewing coffee. Every corner hides the stunning ideas of the designer and has a more versatile and complete space.