
32岁的艺术家与30岁的文刊编辑,他们的家该是看似理智的秩序下,也应有恣意生长的洒脱,既要洗练,也要奔放,既要视觉的留白,也要心灵的充盈。 他们想要的轻奢,一定不单指来点金色,而是让生活的烟火气与创作的灵感源在这一空间里共同衍生,在偶尔的碰触中、相互润饰,毕竟,内心的风骨,才最为奢侈。 为保持整个空间简明利落的基调,只在适当的区域加上几笔咖啡色与克莱因蓝,有了灰与白打底,这抹绚丽的对比似文人的气质,充满朝气又带些阅历,经岁月又不失纯粹。 以大理石,皮革、布艺、金属等材料实现现代家居理念的各种可能性,实则也是对艺术家的作品是“在世界里诞生,又孕育出世界”这一生长状态的含蓄表达和致敬。 这,大概便是Hillman Curtis所说的设计师的目——倾听,观察,理解,移情,强调,综合,和汇总那些使他能够 “让不可见的变得可见” 的洞察。

 A 32-year-old artist and a 30-year-old journal editor, their homes should be in a seemingly rational order, and they should also grow free and easy. They need to be refined and unrestrained, both visually blank and spiritual. Of filling. The light luxury they want must not only point to gold, but let the firework of life and the inspiration of creation co-derive in this space, and in the occasional touch, they can retouch each other. After all, the inner character, It is the most luxurious. In order to maintain the concise and neat tone of the entire space, only a few strokes of coffee and Klein blue are added to the appropriate areas, with a gray and white background. This gorgeous contrast is like a literati temperament, full of vigor and experience. Through the years without losing purity. Using marble, leather, cloth, metal and other materials to realize the various possibilities of modern home furnishing concepts is actually an implicit expression and tribute to the growth of the artist's work, which is "born in the world and nurturing the world". This is probably what Hillman Curtis said about the designer's purpose—listening, observing, understanding, empathizing, emphasizing, synthesizing, and summarizing the insights that enable him to "make the invisible visible".