IAI优秀奖-新城常州淹南地块洋房190户型样板房 ;190 family model houses in Yannan plot, Changzhou, new city》

设计说明 项目落址于常州武进淹城公园板块,是新城控股倾力打造的面向时代领军人物的璞樾系列著作,本案面积190㎡。 主题”LOVE”来源于挪威表现主义画家Edvard Munch 的作品《生命的舞蹈中》,画面的中央是一对相拥翩翩起舞的情侣,女孩身穿的正是一抹艳丽的红裙—这里的红色象征着恋人之间无比情动的激情、情欲,也寓意着他们狂热的爱情。本案以“文化的底蕴”、“自然地美学”、“艺术的多情”以及“不羁的生命力”为关键词,延展到各个空间。 在西班牙语中,“红色”与“彩色”使用的都是一个单词“colorado”,卡地亚红(Cartier Colorado)属于大红色系,作为三原色之一,它象征着西班牙人似火焰般炽烈的生活激情,如血液般浓烈的爱情追求,代表着纯粹、自由与狂热个性。 本案软装巧妙运用:高光、撞色等设计手法,使明艳的卡地亚红(Cartier Colorado)、经典黑白色调在空间中交织碰撞,犹如西班牙南部最纯粹灵动的弗拉门戈舞步,在跃动中散发着神秘灼人的魅力,在变幻的空间中演绎主人的故事,令人沉浸在空间多情浪漫的艺术氛围中。 现代奢华艺术对于我们来说或许比较陌生,但是此次空间设计所表达的对生活的热爱,对空间的感情,一切关于现代的艺术生活我们都可以一览无余,这些空间或许就是我们真实生活的写照,平凡而又不平淡,学会品味艺术,找到生活中的艺术,这就是家的意义,同样也是生活的艺术。 

Design description The project is located in Changzhou Wujin Yancheng park. It is a series of Pu Yue works for the leading figures of the times. The project covers an area of 190 ㎡. The theme "love" comes from Norwegian expressionist painter Edvard Munch's work "in the dance of life". In the center of the picture is a pair of lovers embracing and dancing. The girl is wearing a gorgeous red skirt - the red here symbolizes the passion and passion between the lovers, as well as their passionate love. The key words of this case are "cultural connotation", "natural aesthetics", "art's amorous feelings" and "uninhibited vitality", extending to all spaces. In Spanish, "red" and "color" use the same word "Colorado". Cartier Colorado belongs to the big red system. As one of the three primary colors, it symbolizes the Spanish people's fiery passion for life, the intense love pursuit like blood, and the pure, free and fanatical personality. In this case, the soft clothing is cleverly used: highlight, color contrast and other design techniques to make the bright Cartier Colorado) and classic black and white colors are interwoven and collided in the space, just like the purest and nimble flamenco dance step in southern Spain, which exudes mysterious and burning charm in the jump, performs the master's story in the changing space, and immerses in the romantic and artistic atmosphere of the space. Modern luxury art may be strange to us, but the love for life, feelings for space and all about modern art life expressed in this space design can be seen at a glance. These spaces may be the reflection of our real life, ordinary but not plain, learn to taste art and find art in life, which is the meaning of home, It is also the art of life.