IAI优秀奖-欢乐谷Happy Valley

别墅,半生努力的犒赏,充斥着我们对未来生活的美好向往,绝不仅仅是一处简单的栖息之所。我们该如何在设计之中着墨刻画,重新定义其所承载的 “空间使命” ? 家从来都不应该是冰冷的,无论东西南北,古往今来。李杜新作,贵阳阅山湖畔新筑“欢乐谷”,将对下一代的美好祈愿与入微的童年畅想相互糅合,营造一方鲜亮活泼 “欢乐谷”,满足孩子的一切想象。 房子再大,家具再贵,属于孩子的,又真正有多少?现在很多年轻人的心灵为什么会这么没有温度?因为他们成长过程中不曾温热……诺大的家围着超级大的屏幕看电视而没有心灵对话,貌合神离的父母,冰冷的书房,疏离的爷爷奶奶,这样环境和童年,会有什么温热的回忆?如果我们自己都没有温热的活过,又如何用有温度的爱的教育去引导他们? 把一杯水从0度加热到100度,需要80千焦的能量,那么,如果是温暖一颗心呢?那些明亮的追求、对生活的热情、骨子里的善念以及不畏惧寒风的能量,会让心灵的温度得以延续,而让我们人生的暖炉永不熄灭。 陪孩子慢慢长大,是父母再次追忆童年的机会。生活在一起,陪伴无处不在,但彼此的生活习惯,兴趣爱好,和独立人格得以完整的保留,这才是美好生活本该有的样子,也是关于情感和爱的传承。

 Villa, the reward of half life effort, is full of our beautiful yearning for the future life, not just a simple habitat. How can we depict and redefine the "space mission" in the design? Home should never be cold, no matter where you are from through the ages. The new work of Li & Du, the new "Happy Valley" built by Yueshan Lake in Guiyang, combines the good wishes of the next generation with the imagination of childhood, creating a bright and lively "Happy Valley" to meet children's all imagination. No matter how big the house is and how expensive the furniture is, there is not much for children. Why are many young people become so cold now? Because they didn't feel warmth of growing up. Family watch TV around the super big screen without spiritual dialogue. What warm memories could create in such an environment and childhood? If we don't live a warm life, how can we guide them with education of love? It takes 80 kilojoules to heat a glass of water from 0℃ to 100℃, so what if it is to warm a heart? Those bright pursuits, passion for life, benevolence in our bones, and the energy of fearless of cold wind will keep the temperature of our hearts and keep us alive. It's an opportunity for parents to recall their childhood when they grow up with their children. Living together and accompanied everywhere, but the living habits, hobbies and independent personality of each other can be completely preserved. This is what a good life should be like. It's also about the inheritance of emotion and love.