
项目位置在中国四川成都,属城市新区的商业综合体内。项目业态为餐饮火锅店,占地面积506㎡。为了提升品牌传播热度,吸引消费群体。我们重新定义餐饮空间:借鉴了影视、艺术、科学,技术和设计领域的元素创造出戏剧性的五感体验。从视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉角度全方位升级,通过概念化的设计手法,循序渐进,给人以超未来的沉浸感。我们为了诠释空间沉浸感,从空间设计、家具设计、灯具设计、餐具设计、LOGO设计以及机械艺术装置与当代绘画等,使用创新性的材料搭配及3D打印技术,进行系统的全方位设计。灵感:讲述了一个关于“移民到NEPTUNE”一百年后的叙事生活。自地球资源枯竭以来,人类从未停止对其他星球的探索……通过艰难险阻,最后人类移居NEPTUNE生活。随着周围环境突变,人类的生活方式随之发生变化,在高科技帮助下克服了NEPTUNE生活的种种困难,称为“NEPTUNE人”。设计灵感来源于NEPTUNE人和该星球上的生物和平共处的场景及生活行为方式。在浩瀚无垠的宇宙中展现出人类突破自我适应新环境的顽强生命力。空间主色调使用International Klein Blue,表达NEPTUNE地表上的恶劣天气和生活印迹,通过可交互机械艺术装置的氛围营造,体现出前所未有的新奇与体验。用Prince Rupert's Drop概念设计餐厅吊灯,彰显NEPTUNE上生物的神秘感。

The project is located in a commercial complex of the new area of Chengdu of Sichuan. The form of the project is hotpot restaurant, with a floor area of 506m2. In order to promote the brand popularity and attract consumers, we redefine dining space: a dramatic five-sense experience is created by referring to the elements in the fields of film and television, art, science, technology and design. An all-around upgrade is made from the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. By conceptualized design methods, a super-future sense of immersion is brought to people gradually. We use creative material arrangement and 3D printing technology for all-around design from space design, furniture design, lamp design, tableware design, LOGO design, mechanical artistic device and modern painting to interpret the spatial immersion.It tells a narrative story about “immigration to Neptune” a hundred years later. Since the resources on the earth are exhausted, the human beings have never stopped the exploration of other planets... Overcoming difficulties and obstacles, the human beings have finally migrated to live on Neptune. As the surrounding environment suddenly changes, the human beings' way of life changes as well. With the help of high technology, the human beings overcome all kinds of difficulties of living on Neptune, and become “Neptune people”. The design inspiration comes from the scene that Neptune people co-exist in harmony with the creatures on such planet and their way of life and behavior. The human beings' tenacious vitality to break through themselves in order to adapt to new environment is presented in the vast and boundless universe. The dominant hue of the space is International Klein Blue, representing the severe weather and life marks on Neptune. The unprecedented novelty and experience are reflected via the atmosphere created by interactive artistic mechanical device. The ceiling lamps are designed with the concept of Prince Rupert's Drop, highlighting the mystery of the creatures on Neptune.