安居大道鬥牛場Anju Avenue Bullring

依據項目所在地少數民族的生活習慣,我設計了一個國際化的鬥牛場,體現傳統千年的苗族鬥牛習俗和民族體育運動項目的傳統。該鬥牛館的運營採用國際一流的管理體系,設計上採用了苗民族“牛角”形態的設計元素,俯瞰鬥牛場能清晰的看到牛角形狀,前視圖在水景的映照下,猶如一個苗族少女般美麗動人。鬥牛場的頂層設置有VIP活動室,高級會員觀看廳,設計手法都是東方的設計表現形式,突出民族設計元素和藝術主題。 軟件 According to the living habits of the ethnic minorities in the project, I have designed an international bullfight, which embodies the tradition of the traditional thousand-year Miao-bullfighting custom and the national sports Sports. The pit of the operation of the international first-class management system, the design of the Miao nationality "horn" shape of the design elements, overlooking the bullfight can clearly see the horn shape, the front view in the water features, like a Miao maiden as beautiful and moving. The top of the ring has a VIP activity room, a senior member viewing hall, design methods are the oriental design expression, highlighting the ethnic design elements and artistic themes.