東亞照明 Light Space

企業總部代表了品牌精神,而玄關櫃台乃企業予人的第一印象,我們在櫃台的設計上為業主提出貼切的創作概念,最終得到令人滿意的結果。我們從一位冶鐵者在高溫環境下專注打造藝品,過程中所激盪出的火花炫目而燦爛,而鐵砧正承受著千錘百鍊的畫面中獲得靈感,用以象徵企業主成立近半世紀以來仍兢兢業業塑造品牌,力求在通路與行銷予以變革、創新的經營策略。櫃台採製作鐵藝的工具――鐵砧――為概念,同時也與企業logo的首個英文字母 "T"相應;創作鐵藝時必然會產生的火花,我們在空間裡運用燈條作為指明,而這些火花最終流動至擁抱世界舞台的願景之上。 除了展示企業產品特點與價值,此處也是員工完成工作的地方,因此我們精研格局分配的合理性、廊道尺度、空間色彩,並賦予多樣化的燈光配置,營造舒適、符合人體工學且高效的辦公環境。所有部門被統合在同一平面中,以玻璃為隔間的獨立主管辦公室前方直接對應所屬部門,強化水平與垂直溝通效率。 As corporate headquarter represents corporate value, the entrance counter is the first impression of the corporate spirit, so it was a conscious design decision to inject the overall design essence into the counter design, before getting such satisfactory result. The inspiration came from the process of ironsmith in symbolizing the successful corporate strategies in the past 40-plus years to ferment its brand and bringing innovative changes to its channel and marketing. The counter was designed with the concept of iron board, with its T-shape resembling the first English alphabet, “T”, of the corporate logo; as iron work produces spark, we use strip lighting to articulate the dynamic quality of sparkling light. Apart from exhibiting corporate product characteristics and values, this is also the place where staffs complete their work, therefore, much care has gone into the rationality of layout, corridor dimension, spatial coloring and diversified lighting arrangement so as to create a comfortable, ergonomically friendly and highly productive office environment. All departments have been included in a single space plane, while managers’ offices are separated from, yet connected to, their respective staffs in-charge, in strengthening horizontal and vertical communication effectiveness.