Zhongnan Mansion CLUB HOUSE-杭州中南樾府

该项目属是一个隶属住宅区内的会所,提供住宅区会所的功能,主要的活动空间都在B1层,所有功能覆盖了:咖啡厅,健身房,瑜伽教室,图书馆,茶会所以及儿童学习区等不同的功能区,其中包含着地下庭院等不同的会所空间。目标是能满足老中青三代人的需求。 The project is a residential area under the center, to provide the function of the residential clubhouse, the main activity space on the B1 floor, covers all functions: coffee shop, gym, yoga room, library, tea party and children study area by different functional areas, including different clubs such as the underground yard space. The goal is to meet the needs of three generations. 室内设计和地下室的景观,及建筑设计。对方提供了很大的空间,需要对整体进行一个设计构思和突出功能区的特色。 Interior design and basement landscape, and architectural design. The other side provides a large space, which requires a design conception of the whole and highlights the features of the functional area. 我们先从室内设计开始,反推了建筑方案和景观方案,形成了一个室内建筑景观的高度结合。 We started with interior design, and pushed back the architectural scheme and landscape scheme, forming a high combination of interior architectural landscape 此项设计主要想让顾客感受到对于居住新型空间的一个不同以往的感受,以便创造出更好的空间生活。这是一个住宅小区的会所,希望带给人们家庭聚会的场所,会所的功能性是解决三代人的需求,也希望在周末时光,拥有自己的休闲空间。 This design mainly wants to make customers feel a different feeling about the new living space, so as to create a better space life. It is a residential area of the club house, hope to give people the place of family reunion, the functional sex of the club is the solution of three generations of demand, also want to time over the weekend, and have their own leisure space.