燕西华府42#合院别墅Yicheng Yanxi Huafu 42# Coutyard Villa

家在中国人眼中不仅仅是一个住所,一个简单生活的地方,家更是一个心的归宿,是流躺在血脉里的深沉情愫。中式合院别墅正是赋予人更多精神需求的住宅形式。所以我们在设计中更需要增添理想,赋于空间气度与温度,在细节里体现艺术的传承和时光的印记。我们认为将天地自然里永不变的物象以及古老艺术,化成符合当代审美需求的现代美学符号印刻在空间装饰里,即使时代变迁,后人依然能够理解和发扬当时的美好,这便是传承的意义。所以设计需要精致,需要匠心,需要寓意。将汉服襟裾纹饰及盘扣的意象镶嵌在立面细节里,用当代艺术手法结出中式情结。 古代医典《灵枢》中写到:“春生、夏长、秋收、冬藏,是气之常也,人亦应之。”天人合一,顺应四时,二十四节气以及对应节气应该的吃穿住行都是学问。我们将这些理念强调在住宅的每一个空间里,并通过历代拥有美好寓意和诗意的物象来表达最适宜中国人居住的人文居所。设计师从空间设计到软装配饰都着力强调阳光,强调宜居,强调温情,强调人与自然的和谐共生。更希望通过设计让更多的人和年轻一代对中国文化的传承产生共鸣。 To every Chinese, home is not only a place to live in but a place where you can be 100 percent you as well. Home is a place of love and comfort that always welcomes you with open arms. we started our project with a clear vision and a picturesque plan, with everyone involved on the same page. Details are important for high performing buildings and in particular for energy efficiency and sustainability.  We transform the everlasting images in nature and artistic traditions in China into aesthetic symbols, which integrate into the interior design. As time goes by, home was, is and will always be a place of harmony and unity that is inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and preserved for future generations.  We Chinese, descendants of Confucius, value personal morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. In Chinese belief, we champion strong family loyalty, ancestor veneration, and respect of elders, recommending family as a basis for ideal government. Inspired by Han Dynasty clothing and its  delicate accessories, Chinese elements are combined with contemporary visual arts. Guqin evokes Confucianism. With particular emphasis on the importance of the family and social harmony, the core of Confucianism is humanistic. Placed in the middle of the garden, Guqin symbolizes strong family ties. We are the ones that both survive and thrive in creating the most beautiful last chapter of our life. In one of the ancient Chinese medical books, four seasons and the 24 solar terms are defined according to the position of the sun on the ecliptic. From the perspective of the Chinese, , what is most important in all the important decisions in our lives is to do the right thing. Second, and only slightly behind the first, is to do the right thing at the right time. We apply these theories to every corner of the house, representing the common wish of Chinese people for a better living and creating blueprints for harmonious life styles. The designers have taken daylight performance into account and created buildings that deliver a much better occupant experience. What they have succeeded in is that they have raised our awareness and ability to find meaning in the life around us and reminded us of the importance of cultural heritage.