燕西书院90合院样板房 Yanxi Classical Academy 90 Courtyard

时代的发展,科技的进步,互联网时代的到来,人们生活的场域越来越广,世间万象裹挟着自己的生命,在不同的场域中兴奋的进入,失望的退出,人们落入生活的琐碎和无聊的场域中,心变得无法安定,变得芜杂,很难感受到一份纯粹的安静和沉醉。我们在设计中以空间为脉,仰自然之息,意在让时间在一静一动的生命中刻下难忘的印记。室内与院落的互动,使居住者充分享受到自然之气。古风与当代设计相结合,浓墨淡彩,形成古与今的对话感。阳光午后,静静读一本书,品一杯茶,体味一段与己独处的时光。 沉醉是一件美好的事情,“看山是山,看水是水,看山不是山,看水不是水,看山还是山,看水还是水”,只有沉醉才能体悟不同的人生境界。我们试图通过安静有序的空间设计,使居者沉醉于此,更安于起居、休闲、思考、放松。 江山风月,本无常主,闲者便是主人。诗酒琴茶,原有本意,静心可悟风雅。 主人、老人、孩子,三代人各自私属空间,设计采用半围合与高低错落的屏风式手绘背景,加强空间层次,表达不同的心属故事,展现出祥和、恬美和静思的意念。 地下空间通过简约纯粹的设计赋予空间艺术与灵动,玻璃隔墙后是主人兴趣展示空间,闲暇时有一份自得其乐的爱好,能够心无旁骛、精益求精,沉醉于匠心独运是一种幸福。 The information Age is a historic period in the current century characterized by the rapid shift in technology. The 21st century is the era of global urbanization, or urban globalization, or both. What makes a city a desirable place to live? Obviously, the answer is our home. There’s no place like it. As we journey through life, it’s always comforting to know that a cozy home awaits, just across the threshold. Open space provides recreational areas for residents and helps to enhance the beauty and environmental quality of the neighborhood. It gives us a distraction from our day to day, exhausting routine of life, and some inspiration to remember the important things and moments in life. The ancient spirit is closely intertwined with the modern style. The residents will find in it the traditional culture and values of the Chinese, in its exemplification of essential contrasts between the ancient times and the modern times, and on its own terms. On a sunny afternoon, find a quiet spot to relax and indulge in some ‘me time’. Get lost in a good book, enjoyable, and good for the soul. That will also see you finish off the weekend with a smile on your face. Indulging ourselves is beautiful and intriguing. Self-love means caring for oneself, setting boundaries for oneself, being truthful to oneself and trusting oneself. Self-love requires tremendous courage - having the strength to be who you are in the world that is desperately trying to change you and in return the world will love you. What we have managed to do is to provide a refined internal and external design, which gives you space to love yourself. It has been proven time and again, if you cannot love yourself, you will never be capable of loving another. You, your parents and your kids, 3 generations, all have their personal space. The semi-enclosed design of scattered high and low artistic hand-painted and screen like backgrounds is an expressive way to enrich the spatial level and celebrate glorious heritage, culture and traditions. They are meant to rejoice special moments and emotions in our lives with our loved ones.   The modern interior design in the basement is a strong selling point for a home, with buyers likely to appreciate the clean lines and simplicity in the aesthetic style. Behind the glass curtain wall, you can have a man cave where you can do as you please. Getting caught up in something you enjoy doing is great for relieving stress because it refocuses your mind on something that you enjoy.