
这是设计师特意为业主精心选址的位于浙江横店大山脚下的一块村民宅基地,理想中远离喧嚣的休憩之所。设计师依据当地的建筑红线和政策要求,和业主的法式新古典情节,完美的为业主打造出地上三层,地下一层的欧式建筑巍峨雄峙。周围环绕着的青山绿树和溪水,云蒸霞蔚、草木葱茏的美丽景观。 业主多年在外经商,逢年过节依然常回到这里,访亲会友,宴席聚会,重温乡情。考虑到这样的使用需求,设计师的出发点是将其打造成一个既奢华又能还原生活本色的家,在这里,感受“户庭无尘杂,虚室有余闲”的诗意悠居。 纯粹,是由外至里,不停留在表面的装饰或表皮。从空间的营造再到陈列的家具和饰品的选择,设计师希望业主置身于此的每时每刻,都能够怀着一种愉悦的心情感受每一寸空间和每一个细节,体会设计的微妙语言。 考虑当地民宅房屋从正负零开始到檐口高度,必须限定在十米内,所以设计师在建房之初在每个房间都是无梁板结构,这样有效的增加各个空间的高度。同时又把地势的相对正负零提高,把负一层做成了半地下也有采光的同时且不算整体高度。在外门厅拱门之外,是一片开阔的碧绿草坪和一方无限高远的湛蓝天空,伴着宽阔干净的甬道曲折向外。没有过多复杂的造型,正如古人云:“其质至美,物不足以饰之”,这样的自然风致已足够令人迷醉。 进入室内,设计感扑面而来。环顾上下,可以明显感受到整体空间糅合了许多的对立元素:围合与开放、有序与随性,以及精细与厚重,它们和谐交融集于一体,展现出别具一格的居室风尚。厅内墙壁有意保持清洁,通过挑高的巨大落地窗将外部景观引入室内,成为室内空间中尤为珍贵的自然艺术品。 餐厅在一楼设中西两处,中式家具浑厚大气,西式家具优美古典,来满足不同情况下的使用需求。顶面是华丽水晶吊灯,通过中性的色温与柔和的亮度制造浪漫怡人的用餐气氛。在考虑回家团聚以及逢年过节所以整体的套房空间都比较齐全和宽敞,另外在卧室与浴室的每一处,白天的时候,拉开古典的落地窗帘,远山、近树、蓝天、白云便自然而然地展现在眼前,让人联想到E.M.福斯特的诗歌——“看得见风景的房间。” 此外,设计师注意了色、质、型的平衡。空间主体材质以石材为主,为去除冰冷感,陈设和软装上便着重增加更多温暖的质地与色彩,使家中的生活气息不断酝酿,整个空间基调高雅清爽,木色作为点缀时而出现,为简约沉静的空间融入一丝温润与柔和。在地下空间考虑有潮气,墙地面的材质处理和木色的处理方面和地上空间都有区别。约几个好友在宽阔的休闲空间里打一杆斯诺克或者喝杯红酒看看电影大片,打打牌在这里尽情的去抒怀放松。按当地农村习俗在家里面聚餐、聚会、叙叙旧、谈天谈地,这是对客人的最高礼节,也是业主对此需求最快乐的事。 总而言之,这是一个层次丰富且充满质感的家,富有个性与装饰性,充满主观精神之美。爱生活多几分亲情,当累了的时候,偶尔回归故里,看看远山溪流呼吸一下清新的空气,一种放松的状态——舒适与自在...... 在这个故乡的家中,享受生活是一种幸福!这时远处仿佛传来我们耳熟的歌曲“常回家看看,回家看看”... ... This is a piece of villager's homestead located at the foot of Hengdian Mountain in Zhejiang Province, which is specially designed by the designer for the owner. It is ideal to stay away from the hustle and bustle. Based on the local architectural red line and policy requirements, and the owner's French neo-classical plot, the designer perfectly creates three floors above ground and a European-style building on the ground floor. Surrounded by green hills and trees, the clouds are steamed with beautiful scenery and lush vegetation. The owner has been doing business for many years, and he often returns here during holidays, visiting relatives and friends, banqueting parties, and revisiting the nostalgia. Taking into account such using demands, the designer's starting point is to make it a home that is both luxurious and can restore the true color of life. Here, feel the poetry of "there is no dust in the house, feel the spare time in the simple room". Purity, from the outside to the inside, does not stay on the surface of the decoration or skin. From the creation of space to the choice of furniture and accessories for display, the designer hopes that the owner will be able to feel every inch of space and every detail with a pleasant mood, and appreciate the subtle language of design. . Considering that the local residential houses, start from zero to the height of the cornice, they must be limited to ten meters, so the designer has no beam-and-slab structure in each room at the beginning of building the house, which effectively increases the height of each space. At the same time, the relative positive, negative and zero of the terrain is increased by zero, and the negative layer is made semi-underground and also has lighting, and the overall height is not counted into. Beyond the arches of the outer foyer, there is an open green lawn and an infinitely high blue sky with a wide and clean ramp. There aren't too many complicated shapes, just like the ancients said: "The quality is beautiful, but the things are not enough to decorate." Such natural styles are enough to be fascinating. When entering the room, it feels that the sense of design rushes on to the face. Looking around, you can clearly feel that the overall space combines many opposing elements: enclosure and openness, order and randomness, as well as fine and heavy, which are harmoniously blended together to show a unique style of living. The walls in the hall are intentionally kept clean, and the external landscape is introduced into the interior through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, which are especially valuable natural objects in the interior space. The restaurant is located on the first floor in both the East and the West. The Chinese furniture is rich in taste and the western-style furniture is beautiful and classical so that it can meet the needs of different situations. The top is a gorgeous crystal chandelier that creates a romantic and inviting dining atmosphere with a neutral color temperature and soft brightness. Considering the reunion at home and the holiday season, the overall suite space is quite complete and spacious. In addition, in the bedroom and bathroom, during the day, the classical floor curtains are opened, and there are distant mountains, near trees, blue sky and white clouds. It is naturally presented in front of you, reminiscent of EM Forster's poetry - "A Room with a View." In addition, the designer pays attention to the balance of color, quality and shape. The main material of the space is mainly made of stone. In order to remove the cold feeling, the furnishings and soft furnishings will focus on adding more warm texture and color, so that the life atmosphere in the home is constantly brewing. The tone of the whole space is elegant and refreshing, and the wood color appears as an embellishment. For the simple and quiet space, blend a touch of warmth and softness. In the underground space, there is moisture, and the material treatment of the wall and the treatment of the wood color are different from the space on the ground. Appoint a few friends in the wide leisure space, play a snooker or a glass of red wine to watch the movie blockbuster, or play cards here to enjoy the relaxation. According to local rural customs, gathering, meeting old friends and talking about the world at home is the highest courtesy for the guests and the happiest thing for the owners. All in all, this is a home being full of the sense of texture, being rich in its style and decoration and being filled with the beauty of subjective spirit. Love life and add more love. When you feel tired, you can return to your hometown, enjoy the distant brooks and breathe the fresh air, with a sense of relaxing state of mind-- comfortable and free...... In the home of your homeland, enjoying life is a sort of happiness. At this time, familiar lyrics spread to our ears “ come back home often.”