美的置业-株洲檀府销售中心 MIDEA·TANFU

山居是中国人的情结 “采菊东篱下,悠然见南山” 是五柳先生的山居之趣 “蝉噪林逾静,鸟鸣山更幽” 是王籍的山居之感 项目现场依山而建,绿树成荫,建筑面积约650平米,设计师Amus运用山峦起伏的元素处理平面布局设计师运用了方圆结合的方式去表达空间节奏,让空间的收放和山峦一样有疏有密,有高有低,让人感受到不同的空间乐趣。 山峦起伏的元素及璞玉的元素运用,配搭不同而又有趣味性的雕塑,在灯光和材质的映衬下散发出不同空间的主题特征,由海螺演变出来的旋转楼梯,在周边瀑布墙纸围绕中旋转而上二层,让人在空间中一步一景有曲径通幽的意境。 空间的主色调是柔和的米白色和温暖的橡木木饰面,局部镶嵌黑色金属,蓝色玻璃的装饰画非常醒目,让空间充满趣味。 横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同,由诗词中提炼而来的山脉概念,相应简化后演变得到的门扇图腾和首层模型区的墙身木勒山脉造型,让每个空间在统一中有变化,和山居沉稳与四季变化一样,随着时移产生不同的景致,这就是设计师Amus想要给空间营造的效果。 The project site is built according to the mountains, green trees, the building area is about 650 square meters, the designer Amus used the mountain undulating elements to deal with the plane layout, the designer has used a combination of means to express the spatial rhythm, so that the space is as sparse as the mountains, high and low, people feel the different spatial fun. Mountain undulating elements and elements of jade use, with different and interesting sculpture, under the light and materials of the distribution of different space theme features, by the conch evolution of the spiral staircase, in the surrounding waterfall wallpaper around the rotation of the second floor, let people step by step in the space has a smooth and quiet mood. The main tone of the space is soft rice white and warm oak surface, local inlaid black metal, blue glass decorative painting very striking, making the space full of fun As the ridge side into peaks, distance and height are different, the concept of the mountain from poetry, the corresponding simplified evolution of the door totem and the first model area of the wall Müller Mountain shape, so that each space in the unity of the changes, as the mountain residence calm and changes with the seasons, with the change of time, this is the effect of the designer Amus to create space.