
云外有雲--朱海博、钟行建联袂新作 Clouds beyond Clouds-A Joint New Work of Asoka Zhu & Ken Chung 千形万象竟还空 映水藏山片复重 In thousands of shapes and images they unexpectedly turn void Reflected by rivers and hiding mountains, they remain overlapping. 霁天欲晓未明间 满目奇峰总可观 却有一峰忽然长 方知不动是真山 In the dimness before a daybreak from night rains Spectacular is a sight filled with strange peaks A peak seems growing suddenly, Later revealed staying still are mountains real. 杨万里在《晓行望云山》中,巧妙地摄取自然景物的特征和动态。最后两句 “却有一峰忽然长,方知不动是真山”,点出“奇峰”实为云雾变幻所致,而那些静止不动的才是真正的山峰;语言质朴,明白如话,通过写作者误把云当作山峰,把山中动与静的景致描写得极其活泼有趣。而本案的概念,云外有雲也同时寓意了真正的人中之峰一定是深藏不露的。 In “A Daybreak Walk to See the Cloudy Mountains”, Yang Wanli (1127-1206, a renowned poet in ancient China) skillfully captured the characteristics and dynamics of natural scenery. The last two lines point out that “strange peaks” were actually caused by the changing clouds and fog, while those remaining still are true peaks. It applies expressions as plain and clear as dialogues. By mistaking the clouds as peaks, the poet depicted the dynamic and static scenery in a rather lively and interesting way. As for the concept of this project, the “clouds beyond clouds” also indicates that the genuine peaks among humans are definitely remaining most hidden. 行到水穷处 坐看云起时 After sauntering to the end of the rivers, I sit down to view the rising clouds. 唐代山水诗人王维独自信步漫游,走到水的尽头就坐看行云变幻,这生动地刻画了一位隐居者的内心世界。无论是云也好,雨也好,雾也好,都是水这一种形态的万千幻化,却在设计师手中拿捏自如,所以负责项目的主创团队--故事空间设计的伙伴们至爱那种自由无疆的创作境界,这也是朱海博和钟行建能多年携手共事的一种默契吧。 Wang Wei (701-761), a landscape poet in the Tang Dynasty, sauntered around alone. Reaching the end of the rivers, he would sit down to see the changing clouds. This vividly depicts the inner world of a hermit. Whether it's cloud, rain or fog, it belongs to the assorted changes from the single form of water, which is freely manipulated by designers. Therefore, the main creative team in charge of the project, our fellows in the Story Space Design Co., Ltd., deeply love that kind of creative realm featuring freedom and boundlessness. This is also the tacit understanding of Asoka Zhu and Ken Chung after working together for many years. 流水行云,任意所至,便是侨信.雲起会所的设计概念缘起。正所谓设计的一切,根植于生活,心性的历练,能经得起生命的一些考验,定当如行云流水般,信步,前行。 Flowing water and fleeting clouds freely reach everywhere they wish. It is the origin of the design concept of the Qiaoxin· Rising Clouds. Everything in design is rooted in life. After much mental experiences, one can endure some tests from one’s life, after which one can saunter ahead like flowing water and fleeting clouds. 进入前厅入口处,设计师希望空间给人一种让心顿时安静下来的感觉,水的形态最能洗涤客人来时纷乱的心绪,所以设计师将叠水与接待功能合二为一,使之成为第一个空间的焦点,以达行至水穷处的后续期待感,引导着客人迫切期望向内行进。 For the entrance to the front hall, designers hope that the space bestows immediate calmness. As the form of water can best cleanse rattled minds of visitors, designers integrate the cascading water with the reception function, making it the first space focus, to arouse the subsequent anticipation for what lies after the end of the water. It guides visitors to longingly press forward. 进入洽谈区,色、声、香、味、触全面袭来,叠级的行云纹线条顺流而行,仿佛整个天花都是云海,引导着客人的视觉动线,思绪也随着行云流水般荡漾开来。除了视觉上的空间设计,藏在情感设计中的嗅觉设计也是该项目中必不可少的一个部分。 In the negotiation area, one is greeted with the full assaults of colors, sounds, aromas, tastes and touches. The cascading patterns and lines of the fleeting clouds follow the flow, presenting a ceiling of a cloud sea. It guides the dynamic visual line of the visitors and make their thoughts undulating like fleeting clouds and flowing water. In addition to the visual space design, the olfactory design hidden in the emotional design is also an essential part of the project. 对于朱海博而言,云起会所是整个楼盘的品质、品位、品牌的归总所在,客人会感受到未来生活的那种气息和氛围。所以,用情境感染情绪,用五感去洗涤客人的内心,是整体设计的核心,我们的目的就是让来的客人放慢呼吸的节奏,去感受眼前的一切,他们会发现,这个会所与众不同,他们未来的生活也将与众不同。钟行建也说到,在设计不断推陈出新的今天,满是商业气息的冷冰冰的售楼处似乎正自我反省,取而代之的是有故事的、有温度的体验场所。走进洽谈区,即能感受到被动线调动五感的用户体验,叠水与天花的云境遥相呼应,舒适的空间让人有一种停下脚步,愿意坐下来的安心感。 For Asoka Zhu, the Cloud Rising Clubhouse is the epitome of the quality, taste and brand of the whole premise. From it the visitors will feel the breath and ambience of a future life. Therefore, the core of the overall design is to use scenarios to infect emotions and the five senses to refresh the hearts of the visitors. Our goal is to let the visitors slow down their breathing and feel everything in front of them. They will find that this clubhouse is different and their future lives will be different. Ken Chung also said that in the present bringing forth the new to replace the old, the inhumane sales offices full of commercial atmosphere seems self-reflecting. They are replaced by experience venues with stories and warmth. After entering the negotiation area, one can feel the customers’ experiences with the five senses tantalized by the dynamic lines. With the faraway echoes between the cascading water and the cloud realm on the ceilings, such a comfortable space bestows a comfortable sense for visitors to stop moving to sit down. 步入样板间的走道空间节点尽最大可能吸纳了室外景观,实现了室内外空间的延伸和渗透,在有限的空间内创造了丰富的体验感受。整体设计则更多考虑了东方美学的时代语言,将建筑、景观,室内平衡链接,用富有诗意的立面,结合富有节奏的动线,将视、触、声、法进行空间渗透与穿插,是故事空间设计的设计师们赋予侨信.雲起的别样情怀。 The space node of the walkway into the model room maximumly absorbs the outdoor landscape, having realized the extension and penetration of the indoor and outdoor space and created a rich experience in the limited space. On the other hand, the overall design takes more account of the era expressions of the oriental aesthetics, linking architecture, landscape and interior in a balanced way. It uses richly poetic facades and highly rhythmic dynamic lines to penetrate and intersect the spaces with sight, touch, sound and rules. It is the unique affections given to the Qiaoxin· Rising Clouds by the designers of Story Space Design Co., Ltd. 水墨丹青可以暗合设计心法如行云流水,可以雕刻岁月的不停轮回,可以描绘人间的是是非非。笔走龙蛇,清丽处若微风拂面,抑扬顿挫,渐次生成此 “禅”字,在朱海博的眼里 “疏风澹月有来时,流水行云无觅处。” 一叶一世界就此呈现。 The Chinese ink calligraphy and painting coincide with the designing methods like fleeting clouds and flowing waters, depicts the constantly passing time, and describes the rights and wrongs of the human world. As the brush pen moves naturally and unrestrainedly, strokes, some as elegant and beautiful as caressing breeze and others rhythmic, gradually produce the Chinese character of “Zen”. In the eyes of Asoka Zhu, “The sparse wind and clear moon come sometimes; the running water and fleeting clouds remain nowhere to find.” It reveals a whole world reflected by one leaf. 项目地址:广东省东莞市观澜塘厦”侨信.雲起” 项目面积:2300㎡ 室内设计:深圳市故事空间设计有限公司 主持设计:朱海博、钟行建 参与设计:方洁、徐秋绿、何凯强、龚涛、曹幸惠、戴颖娜、钱子、陈莉等 摄影:江河摄影 Project Address: “Qiaoxin· Cloud Rising” GuanlanTangxia, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province. Project Area: 2,300 Square Meters Interior Design: Shenzhen Story Space Design Co., Ltd. Host design: Asoka Zhu, Ken Chung Design Participant:Jane Fang, Alice Xu, Kay He, GT Tao, Carol Cao, Dai Yingna, Qian Zi, Lily Chen, etc. Photography: Jianghe Photography 关于设计师 Profiles of Designers 朱海博 ASOKA ZHU 意大利米兰理工大学国际室内设计管理硕士,高级室内建筑师,设计从业十余年。擅长 “国际视野下的新中式设计”。 ASOKA ZHU Master of Interior Design Management at Politecnico di Milano Senior Interior Architect With over a decade of experience in the design industry, good at “new Chinese-style design in an international vision” 钟行建 KEN CHUNG 意大利米兰理工大学国际室内设计管理专业硕士 多年来专注酒店及商业空间设计,擅长新东方文化及现代风格空间设计,秉承精致生活、精品设计的个人原则,力求通过设计赋予空间新的生命力及完整性。 KEN CHUNG Master of Interior Design Management at Politecnico di Milano Years of focus on hotel and commercial space design, good at new oriental culture and modern style space design Adhere to personal principles featuring an exquisite life and fine design, striving to give new vitality and integrity to the spaces through his designs.