叙品设计新疆分公司办公室 office of Sinkiang branch of Xupin Design

“设计是一粒种子,赋予空间未来的生命力。”这是叙品设计新疆分公司的办公室,是设计师的灵感空间,也可以作为艺术展览、沙龙活动、时尚派对的举办地 这是叙品设计新疆分公司的办公室,面积为2000平方米。整个空间以白色为基调,局部用蓝、黄、绿色做点缀,以有“色”计为设计思路,综合使用原木、玻璃、石材、镜面等多种材质,以简洁有力的手法,打造出富于变幻充满想象的多元化空间。走道是空间的点睛之笔,彩色玻璃重叠交错,亦真亦幻。富有张力的雕塑贯穿其中,与空间相得益彰。从飞天的猪、一脸陶醉的马,到桀骜不逊的人物,喜怒哀乐众生百态……是奔腾的艺术,更是无声的乐章。这里是办公室,更是艺术展厅,而且雕塑作品定期更新,为参观客人带来新鲜的视觉体验。通透明亮的开放式办公空间,星空吊顶灵感源于褶皱的纸张,每个出色的作品背后,都凝聚了叙品设计团队的智慧和心血,褶皱了无数张纸,历经无数个披星戴月的夜晚……年轻的设计师们在这里尽情释放工作热情,激发创作灵感吧。墙面山料肌理质感,灯光明暗变幻和不同色调过渡,带来震撼的视觉感受。这里不仅是办公室,也可以作为艺术展览、时尚人群聚集地,多功能开放属性赋予空间更多可能。虽居喧嚣闹市,却有阳光、绿植、星空相伴,为你诠释另类回归自然。置身其中,倾听人与自然的对话,艺术与生活的交响……? 。"Design is a seed that gives space its future life." This is the office of the Sinkiang branch of Xupin Design. It is not only an office, but also a gathering place for art exhibitions and fashion groups. This is the office of Sinkiang branch of Xupin Design, covering an area of 2000 square meters. The main idea of this case is "color" design : white is the predominant color,blue, yellow and green are local ornaments.Trying to create a diversified and imaginative space, the designer comprehensively used logs, glass, stone, mirror and other materials in a brief but powerful way. Color light glasses ,crossing and overlapping each other,just like a combination of fiction and fact. Sculptures in this space are full of tension .They bring out the best in each other.The sculptures: flying pigs, enchanted horses, obstinate and unruly figures ,exotic beings on the attitude, are running arts playing a silent movement.It is an art galleries which can bring out fresh Visual enjoyment by updating sculptures periodically.The inspiration of the suspended ceiling came from folded paper(may be crumbled by designer when they were working ).Countless pieces of paper,countless days and nights, every outstanding work contains wisdom and great efforts of Xupin design team. Young designers will release their enthusiasm and show creative inspiration here.The texture of the wall ,the brightness changes and the color transition bring out stunning visual effects.It is not only an office, but also a gathering place for art exhibitions and fashion groups. The multifunctional and open traits give the space more possibilities.With Sunshine, green plants,starlit sky in it,the office is an alternative return to nature.Being in it, people can listen to the soft words between man and nature, the symphony of art and life.