
中文簡介   業主為台灣知名調酒師,於世界各地征戰多年,看盡別出心裁的各式酒吧,期望為自己打造夢想酒吧空間。基地坐落繁華的台北東區,設計師運用獨特「跳吧」的設計概念將空間一分為二,分別為嗨吧與沐吧。       嗨吧空間可透過臨街面看進櫥窗,為整個城市的連接入口,風格跳脫酒吧的既定隱蔽印象,放大調酒師就是藝術家,而空間主角是調酒師與形色客人間的互動。   素材主調為白,集結素雅氛圍但不失空間肌理。天與壁為白色馬來漆,檯面為白色賽麗石搭配立面石紋,地板為灰白地磚。期望以清新明亮的設計主軸,凸顯飲酒其實也是一種舒服健康的消遣。後牆以深沉色仿古鏡整大面鋪陳,映照空間中潔白氛圍呈現對比。仿古鏡中隱藏一扇窺視窗,透過窺視發現裡面別有洞天,原來還有另一間沐吧。   沐吧呈現風格與嗨吧截然不同,沉穩內斂的色光與微暗氛圍,讓調酒師在情調中試著了解每一個人的心情與故事,為其調配撫慰人心的專屬酒品,滿載空間故事性。運用舒緩人心的大地色,空間主角呈現四季變化的花卉,減少人工元素展現自然其氛。吧檯以全平面檯大膽呈現,增進調酒師與客人間的互動距離,質材以松木搭配鍍鈦檯面,其組合溫潤又俱個性。   業主期許嗨吧、沐吧等獨立空間未來將可接納更多需求與展演。 英文簡介 The client, a well-known bartender in Taiwan, has been for years joining global bartending competition and wanted to have his one-of-a-kind bar. For the bar located at the Eastern Taipei, the designer genuinely applies the idea of “Jump Bar” that specifically divides the entire space into the “High Bar” and “Moon Bar.” “High Bar,” decorated with the large floor-to-ceiling windows, distinguishably expresses the concept that the bartenders represent the artists, and that the bar space identifies the interactions between the bartenders and customers. White, the essential color, spawns the elegant and original space characteristics, of which the white-venetian-plaster ceilings and walls, the white-silestone counters and the ash-gray floors clearly point out the statements that the wine tasting is a positive recreation. The walls ornamented with the dark antique-style mirrors formulate the visual contrast to the white space. On the other side of the High Bar adjoins the other bar “Moon Bar.” Having distinctive space characteristics as with High Bar, the Moon Bar exhibits the serene and dim space characteristics, where the bartenders hear the customers’ stories and personalize the exclusive wines. The soothing earth tones and the seasonal flowers show the natural atmosphere. The bar area presenting the aggressive style brings closet the connections between the bartenders and customers. Meanwhile, the bar counter decorated with pinewood and titanium plating harmoniously signifies graceful and unique appearance as well. The client anticipates that the High Bar and Moon Bar are accessible for more customers’ demands and performances.