
地下一层整层为老人层,给老人一个世外桃源,卧室、起居、中式餐厅和厨房、满院花草、流水亭台,甚至还有亲手打理的菜园,让他们的晚年生活丰富而有情调。一、二层为男女主人以及孩子的生活空间,一层囊括起居室、书房、客厅以及一个西式厨房,二层主要是卧室层。地下一层在需要时可以将老人的生活起居空间以及户外空间分隔开,配备的烧烤区、户外就餐区非常适合男女主人举办派对活动,从而充分利用每一个空间功能。 The whole floor of the basement is the old man's floor, giving the elderly a paradise, bedroom, living, Chinese restaurant and kitchen, full house flowers and plants, flowing water pavilions, and even a hand-washed vegetable garden, so that their old age life is rich and sentimental. The first and second floors are the living space for male and female owners and children. The first floor covers the living room, the study room, the living room and a western kitchen. The second floor is mainly the bedroom floor. The basement level separates the living space and outdoor space of the elderly when needed. The barbecue area and outdoor dining area are ideal for hostesses to take advantage of every space function 本案整体打造的是新中式风格,同时又考虑到不同年代人群的审美需求,地下一层整体氛围更偏向于传统中式,而在一、二层引入大东方的概念,提取中式韵味,搭配国际化的家具饰品,让整个空间显得简约时尚,又不乏传统美学的沉淀。 The designer is the dreamer, the wedding design is to create a dream of love, and the interior design is to create a dream of life. This case not only conveys the hostess's aesthetic concept, but also gives her client a dream of love and gives her family a dream of life.