住宅x辦公 合而為一的現代休閒好生活

「溫潤」、「流動」、「延伸」是整體視覺風格,串聯出「放鬆」、「愉悅」、「雋永」的主題氛圍。而動線以「環狀動線」為主軸,隨處都可坐可用,並無單純的走道浪費,透明隔間+零走道十分通透。 木質佔整體6成,水泥粉光3成;這兩種樸實材質一溫一冷,再加上大理石和少量鍍鈦,呈現出人文休閒的美感。以灰、白、木紋3種色彩為主軸,調配些許黑色點綴,使空間更為精緻大器。 什麼樣的家能看十年以上依然雋永且放鬆? 一進門的懸空吊櫃刻意不做到頂,保有木皮天花板延伸的視覺感,玄關的木皮天花板一路延伸到底端的浴室暗門,黑色面垂直落地,木皮面轉個彎一路延伸到底端的小陽台,一進又一進的貫穿整體場域。 通往小陽台的沿途中,刻意打造與公共空間不同的磁磚地面,貼上長型的灰色板岩磚,乎應著木皮天花板,搭配小陽台的綠意盆栽和自行車,彷彿來到公園的一小街景。 玄關連接餐廳的懸吊三面櫃是公共空間的視覺重點,它正面是收納衣帽櫃; 側邊和背面是書櫃+展示櫃;更是會議桌電腦的機櫃,旁邊還有個小酒櫃, 底部懸空處更是掃地機的絕佳藏身處,可說一櫃多用! 它是視覺交點,也是機能豐富的櫃體,希望置身於藝術書香的寧靜世界。 所以在木作櫃體中嵌入白色薄邊書櫃、鍍鈦裝置展架,和樸實的水泥底面。 把裝置藝術帶入住宅空間,而不是單純的收納櫃體。 “Warm”, “flowing”, and “extensive” describe the overall visual style of this space, which creates a “relaxing”, “pleasing” and “meaningful” atmosphere. The main feature of the home’s flow is that its “loop” design allows the owners to sit and utilize the space everywhere. There is no area wasting space, so moving around the house is easy with transparent partitions and no giant wall. Wooden material accounts for 60 percent, and polished concrete makes up 30 percent. In addition to these two basic materials, which are warm and cold, respectively, marble and some titanium plating bring out the humanistic beauty and leisure of the home. The core colors are gray and white, as well as wooden patterns, highlighted with hints of black, which makes the space seem more delicate and larger. What kind of house is still meaningful and relaxing when you look at it after ten years? The suspended cupboard at the door is not fixed to the ceiling on purpose so that the extension of the veneer ceiling can be captured and the feeling can remain. The veneer ceiling at the foyer extends straight to the hidden door of the bathroom at the end, and the black wall goes vertically down to the floor. The veneer then makes a turn and extends to the small balcony. It penetrates the whole space turn. On the way to the small balcony, long gray slate bricks are purposefully used to create a different feeling from the public space with tiles, corresponding to the veneer ceiling. With potted plants and bicycles on the small balcony, it feels just like being at the corner of a park. The main visual focus of the public space is the suspended three-sided cabinet that connects the foyer to the dining room. The front is used for clothes and hat storage; the side and the back can be used as a bookshelf and display case or as a space for computer boxes. A small gradevin has also been placed alongside it. The empty space at the bottom is ideal for a robot vacuum cleaner. This cabinet has lots of functions, indeed! This multi-functional cabinet is a crossing point of sight. We hope to incorporate it into a peaceful world filled with books and art. Accordingly, the white feather-edged bookshelf, titanium-plated display case, and simple concrete floor are embedded into this wooden cabinet. In this way, installation art can be brought into this dwelling to make the cabinet for more than just storage.