
本案以純粹簡潔為設計主軸,簡約俐落的設計語彙貫穿全室整體空間,但仍保有生活的溫度。黑白灰主調以溫潤的原木色調和,不同材質的相互雜糅創造出對比卻和諧的質感。 此外,細節上利用線條銜接水平垂直空間,創造出無限延伸的寬闊空間感,成為不同性質空間轉換介質,更增添了律動的細膩層次感。 客廳與書房則採用開放式格局,延伸出寬敞的舒適歇憩空間。餐廳的線性吊燈與大面積手工拼湊的幾何牆面造型巧妙呼應,搭配造型簡約暖色原木長桌,相異的序列感讓用餐環境更具張力。臥室及浴室則以沉穩灰色基調,勾勒出精緻宜人的寢寐空間。起居室引入自然光佐以溫潤的木質點綴,呼應整體悠然愜意的居家韻味。 以淨簡的設計手法拒絕浮華繁複,營塑質感溫暖的居宅氛圍。 家,是遠離世俗喧囂的港灣。我們想要回歸更精簡舒適的生活型態, 我們想要去蕪存菁,最後留下的線條刻劃出生活精緻美學與深度。 A Simple life Home is the last private space for a tired soul. We want a simpler more liberated life. We want to reserve more space for ourselves. The flow of simplicity and lines is the major concept of this design. The whole space emphasizes the temperature of life after simplicity. The wood color tone was added into the black, white, gray color tone, it strengthens the temperature and layers without loosing texture. There are a lot of lines in the details which stretches the sense of space and distinguishes the items in space, and also allows them to pop out from their surroundings. The whole arrangement is styled with a sense of openness. The living room is connected with the study room, which, opens up the horizon and also widens the areas available for comfort and leisure. The dining room is, decorated with hanging lights, and the floor made of granite rocks with geometric patterns. All these things in the dining room correspond with the theme, and the lone wooden table,also conserves the warmness of the space. The style of the bathroom is enhanced by a gray color tone, which allows it to become more sophisticated, and creates a calm atmosphere. So in a simple way, we have created a warm space with texture.