嘉兴新城-西塘玺樾销售中心 Jiaxing New Town—Xitang Xiyue Sales Center

嘉兴新城-西塘玺樾销售中心 建筑分析: 外立面采用中式现代风格,具备明清建筑风格特点,体现文化美感 序: 傍廊旧,细柳街边水阳楼 小院真情休莫问,岂与花事竞风流 西塘忆,最忆是长廊。千盏灯笼脂粉色,八方舟楫杜康香, 依水看斜阳 西塘忆,其次弄堂中。花雪斜飞青石板,跫音长送阁楼风,回首雨蒙蒙 西塘忆,再次酒旗风。水色波光黄布旆,楼台庭榭小乌篷。何处不相逢。 硬装设计概念: 找寻遗失的贵族文化 雅集 如果说中国人文化的精髓,就是把形面下的生活哲学,那么雅集正是其最理想的演绎平台 问琴、棋弈、弄书、挂画、赋诗、和曲、焚香、点茶、游园、品茗、赏果吟月、听琴观戏 琴、棋、書、畵、茶、曲、花、香 这是一场奢侈的回归 主题定位: - 水 乡 漂 流 记 - 你也许去过周庄。流连于那里的繁华迤逦。你也许去过同里,沉醉在那里的秀水清风。然而西塘,只是静静地在你身后,用千年的时间,默默地守住江南水乡的散漫与宁静。来了,用心招待,路过,也不勉强,这就是它与生俱来的格调。古镇布局依水而缘,因水成街,因水成路,因水成市,因水成园,家家临水,户户舟楫,桃红柳绿,小桥流水人家,一派水乡风光。西塘的水,巧妙地将河桥、街路、宅园融汇成景。镇上街河并行,桥路相接,通幽有径,“绿意红情,春风夜月;小桥流水,琴韵书声”便是西塘给人们营造的最好意境。 软装概念: 本案围绕西塘的水展开,我们想象售楼处便是一个承载西塘文人墨客过往生活的雅集,沿着西塘的水缓缓划过那段悠悠岁月,展开一段段水乡漂游记。 茶: 秋夜凉风夏时雨,石上清泉竹里茶 书画: 苔痕上阶绿,草色入帘青。 谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁。 琴: 竹雨松风琴韵,茶烟梧月书声 香: 竹荫遮几琴易韵,茶烟透窗魂生香 品茶区家具理念: 家具概念:硬装在周围使用了干净的大理石,衬托了一个安静高雅的氛围,顶面是卷轴一角配上木饰面让中堂的茶桌成为了这个空间中最耀眼的明星,四周展开的湖平面画卷让我联想到平静的海上泛起的一叶扁舟,因此在茶桌的造型上我们选择了酷似帆船的形态,在底部用琉璃作为支撑,让整个造型形成悬浮在海平面上的一叶扁舟的概念。四周搭配琉璃长椅让整个空间更加灵动鲜活。 在此次的设计中,琉璃的元素随处可见,琉璃是采用古代青铜脱蜡铸造法高温脱蜡而形成的水晶作品。经过十多道手工工艺的精修细磨,稍有疏忽即可造成失败或瑕疵。琉璃内,或大或小、或沉或浮的气泡,是琉璃生命的特征。这些气泡游走于晶莹剔透的水晶之中漂浮于柔情似水的颜色带之间。是快意洒脱,是情意绵绵,还是浩然气魄。琉璃在述说,我们在倾听。愿我来世,得菩提时,身如琉璃,内外明澈。 书法家葛清禹题字: “白墙灰瓦雨如烟,古意石桥月半弯。 碧柳丝丝垂旧事,为谁摇落为谁眠?“ 闲步走进长廊,柔和的清风不是从河面上吹来,带来阵阵的清凉。墙面的诗句,由书法家葛清禹老师亲自为本案提字书写。(葛清禹书法家,1933年生于北京,大学毕业。现任中国公共关系协会艺术委员会会员、中国书画家艺术中心会员。中国书法家协会开创者。) Jiaxing New Town—Xitang Xiyue Sales Center Building analysis: The facade applies the Chinese modern style, shows features of architectural style in Ming and Qing dynasties, and reveals cultural sense of beauty. Preface At the side of corridors, there is a building at the streets of willows. The courtyard is filled with emotions, competing with blooming season. Memory of corridors in Xitang is impressive. Thousands of lamps in pink are gathered together. Ships from all directions reveal fragrance of Dukang, looking at the setting sun on water. Memory of lanes in Xitang is secondary. Flowers are filled in blue flagstone, winding to attic and drizzling. Memory of wine in Xitang is the last one, glistening light of waves, towers and sails, meeting each other everywhere. Hardware decoration design concept: Looking for the lost noble culture—Yaji If the essence of Chinese culture is the life philosophy, Yaji is the most ideal performance platform, musical instrument, chess, books, paintings, poetry, song, incense, pointing tea, garden tour, tea-tasting, enjoyment in the moon, and drama. With istrument, chess, book, painting, tea, music, flower, and fragrance, it is the luxury return. Theme positioning: -Waterside vagrancy You perhaps once went to Zhouzhuang, lingering on prosperity and meandering. You may go to Tongli, indulging yourselves in beautiful scenery. However, Xitang just stay behind you to protect sloppiness and quietness of the Yangtze River Delta silently by virtue of thousands of years. When you come here, it serves you diligently. When you pass it, it never forces you. This is the inherent style. The ancient town is built at the side of water. Roads, cities and homeland are built for water. Each household is close to water. Each household has a boat. The peach trees are in bloom and the willows are turning green. Households are built in a small bridge over the flowing stream, showing the waterside scenery. Water in Xitang skillfully gathers river bridges, streets, and gardens into the scenery. Streets and rivers in the town are in parallel. The bridge and roads are connected. “Greenery style, spring breeze and night moon; a small bridge over the flowing stream and sound of instruments and sound”, Xitang builds the best artistic conception to people. Software decoration concept: This case is focused on water of Xitang. We image that the sales office is Yaji to undertake previous life of men of literature and writing in Xitang. Along water of Xitang, it streaks leisure years to carry out the waterside vagrancy. Tea: In summer rain at autumn night and cool breeze, clear spring is used for making tea. Calligraphy and painting: Moss steps on stairs and grass is greener. There are lots of learned scholars and no commoners. Instrument: With the sound of instruments in rain, people listen to the sound of books by tasting tea. Fragrance: Bamboo shadow covers the instruments. Tea reveals fragrance. Furniture philosophy of tea-tasting area: Furniture concept: Hardware decoration uses clean marble in surroundings to set off the quiet and elegant atmosphere. The roof is the scroll matching with the wood facing to make the tea table become the most dazzling star in this space. The lake level scroll spreading in surroundings makes me associate with a tiny boat on the clam ocean, thus the tea table modeling is similar to the sailboat. The bottom is supported by the glass, thus the entire modeling forms the concept of a boat suspending in the seal level. The glass bench in surroundings makes the entire space become flexible and alive. In this design, glass elements can be seen everywhere. Glass applies ancient bronze lost wax casting method to from crystal works through the high-temperature dewaxing. After dozens of fine trimming processes, any negligence will result in failure or defect. In glass, more or less, sunken or floating bubbles are features of glass life. These bubbles are wandering in clear crystals and floating in the tender and soft color belts. It is free and easy, emotional and spacious. Glass is telling, while we are listening. I hope that we will be clear as glass in the future world. Inscription of Ge Qingyu by the calligrapher: “The house is of grey tile like smoke. The bridges are bending in ancient conception Willows are falling for the past. Why are they shaking down and sleeping?” Walking to the corridors, soft cool breeze brings coolness, instead of the river. Verse on the wall is inscribed by Ge Qingyu who is a calligrapher(Calligrapher Ge Qingyu was born in 1933 in Beijing and graduated from a college. Now he is the member in art committee of the China Public Relation Association, the member of China Calligrapher Art Center, and the pathfinder of Chinese Calligraphers Association)