南京九月森林样板房Nanjing forest model house in September

中产的生活方式 在某一个温暖的午后,拘一缕阳光,品一杯红茶,再捧上一本好书,慵懒地陷入沙发的温柔中,遐想一场跨越时空的对话,品读每一个字的浪漫, 每一句话的温柔,惬意,缱绻...... 任时光从指缝溜走…… 本方案,在深入了解项目定位后,结合现有外部环境和内部环境的统一,并接轨国际现下的生活方式营造给业主专属感、尊崇感、安全感、可参与感。如果说从千万色彩中选择一款最能打动人心的颜色,有着冷艳色泽质感的蓝调必属其一,从一丝柔和的清爽到一抹深沉的典雅,从一份沁透心脾的舒怡到一丝平静深邃的诱惑。 Middle class lifestyle On a warm afternoon, a ray of sunshine, a cup of black tea, and then in a good book, lazily in the tender of sofa, daydream a conversation across space and time, read every word of romance, Every word is gentle, pleasant and deeply attached Let time slip through my fingers This scheme, after thorough understanding project positioning, combined with the unity of the existing external environment and internal environment, and is in line with the international current way of life to build to the owner exclusive feeling, exalted feeling, a sense of security, can be engaged. If from the thousands of colors to choose the color of a most can move the heart, with elegant color texture blues must belong to the first, from a gentle and relaxed to wipe a deep and elegant, from a ShuYi seeps through mist to a quiet depth of temptation.