阳朔花梦间酒店 Yangshuo Blossom Dreams Hotel

设计师由建筑开始着手,从景观到室内,软装,进行了全面的设计规划与改造。建筑外立面采用白色的肌理涂料搭配韵律的木纹格栅,形成协调的序列性。庭院借鉴中式园林的理念,院落用三米高的竹林进行围合,塑造出礼仪层次,确保了庭院的独立性与私密性。大堂采用对称的设计手法,传达出新中式的秩序美学。木质材料打造的书吧,茶室,呈现出沉静的气韵,镂空屏风与光影相映成趣,散发着素雅的东方气质。设计师更将中国传统艺术的精髓留白融入室内设计中,拓宽了空间的层次的同时更具艺术氛围。酒店共二十六间客房,设计师提取出具有代表性的地域色彩应用在客房区域,创造不同的情境体验,使空间更具自然的灵动与生机。大面积的落地窗将自然景观引入室内,临窗而立,将景致尽收眼底。顶层还设置了一处观景庭院,放眼远眺,一望无际的山景,缭绕在云雾间。 The designers started from the building to make a comprehensive design planning and transformation from the landscape to the interior and decoration. Building facade adopted white texture coating with rhythmic wood grain grille, forming a coordinated sequence.Borrowing from the concept of Chinese garden, the courtyard was surrounded by bamboo forest of three meters high, shaping levels and ensuring independence and privacy of the courtyard .Symmetrical design techniques is used for the lobby to convey the order aesthetics of new Chinese style.Elegant and low-key wooden materials were used to create a book bar and a tea room, showing a quiet spirit. Blankness, the essense of Chinese traditional art was integrated in the space, while riching the level of space, it created an artistic atmosphere.The hotel has a total of twenty-six guest rooms,designers extracted and applied representative regional colors for the guest room area to create different situational experiences, giving the space more natural spirituality and vitality. Large French windows bring the natural landscape into the interior space, achieving a panoramic view of the scenery by the window.On the top floor of the hotel there is a viewing courtyard, where endless mountain scenery in the clouds can be viewed.