
本案的设计中充分地结合木材与瓷砖,主次之分恰到好处,每个空间里都能完美地展现出各种材质的特色,电视背景,沙发背景,过道背景,每个瓷砖的背景旁都是木材默默地衬托,就好像眼前的景象就是男主人宠爱和包容妻子的场景一样,是多么地温馨和幸福呀!我想这就是生活与设计最好的结合! In the design of this case, wood and ceramic tiles are fully combined, and the primary and secondary points are just right. Each space can perfectly show the characteristics of various materials, such as TV background, sofa background, aisle background, and the background of each ceramic tile is silently set off by wood, just as the present scene is the scene where the male owner dotes on and embraces his wife, how warm and happy it is! I think this is the best combination of life and design!