日昇月恆 Sunrise and Perpetual Moon

以自然紋理取代人造奢華、從文化中萃煉出設計語彙,營造耐震安全且具備東方富足意象的美感住宅。考量長輩的喜好與自身的品味,這個高樓住宅案選用許多帶有東方山水意象的石材,讓空間呈現自然紋路的美感。玄關入口處的木格柵隔屏以金屬網為襯底,創造不同的東方「窗欞」效果,表現東方美學講求對稱或重複的設計語彙。玄關地面以整片山水紋路的大理石,呈現中國書畫作品中的潑墨意象,傳達東方元素所傳達的靜謐感受,也讓業主返家時有轉換心情的視覺效果。玄關旁的休憩區選用整片「赤壁」大理石的自然紋理,洋溢萬馬奔馳、澎湃洶湧的氣勢,成為東方意象裡最美的風景。餐廚空間吧台的琥珀金黃,以及餐桌上方的金箔塗佈,以金色代表自古皇室尊榮身份的象徵,以及代表豐衣足食的意象,同時也為室內注入華麗光感。並透過隱藏門設計將餐櫃和儲藏收納以及浴廁入口融為一體,保持牆面的完整性。 Replace arti?cial luxuries with natural textures, re?ne design language from traditional culture, and construct an antiseismic and safe residence that represents oriental aesthetics of abundance. Layer a metal net beneath the wooden grate partition at hallway entrance, to create a unique appeal of oriental window frame and express a design language of symmetry and repetition in oriental aesthetics. Apply color of golden, including golden amber at bar and kitchen as well as gold foil over dining table, to symbolize ancient royal glory, re?ect an image of living in af?uence, and also spark the interior with magni?cent light. Display a complete piece of Chibi marble slab with natural texture to bring out the surging momentum, as if ten thousand steeds gallop ahead, making it the most beautiful “enframed scenery” in oriental imagery.