日常意趣 Delight of Life

從屋主的信仰核心切入,探討場域精神與空間設計的關係。基督徒尤重信仰生活化,重視家庭聚會互相交流心靈信念。因此,「串聯性機能」與「大氣格調」,成為本案設計的關鍵表現主體。運用「材質混搭」手法,讓空間保有開闊穿透性與元素對應性,同時也能在各面向經營細節工藝,連結屋主品味,為現代簡約空間增添人文內涵,提升華貴氣場。We started with the faith of the owner and explore the relationship between spirit of space and interior design. For Christians, faith is a significant part of life, and gatherings at home are important where hearts and faith can connect. Therefore, “connected functions” and “generous style” are key concepts in this project. The space maintains open transparency and contrasts of elements thanks to “mix and match of materials”. Details are well taken care of with craftsmanship, bridging the taste of the owner, adding elegant sense of culture in this modern and minimalistic space, and leaving surprising touches of stunning luxury.