混搭元素 x 童趣空間 Mixed elements and Amusement

本案為高級住宅,居家風格以簡單、乾淨,充滿個性開朗的童趣感提供孩子最舒適的環境,設計師以此作為發想,將屋主的生活個性、喜好,納入格局規劃設計,營造溫暖舒適的居家空間。男主人喜歡簡約生活、女主人喜歡鄉村自然樸實,將不同元素融合在同一空間,貼近生活需求,令設計具有更多元的創造性。開闊、大方的公共場域,以自然休閒屬性作為主要風格;採用木地板溫潤木色與白色牆面的明亮乾淨,互應窗外採光視野,賦予空間鮮明舒適的自然氛圍;擷取鄉村風自然樸實的色調,餐廳牆面以文化石作為材質,結合鐵件收納機能,營造用餐時舒適溫馨氛圍,於廚房、餐廳,透過開放式的場域設計,展現順暢動線與寬闊視野,依據樑柱位置和大小,設計師特別訂製收納櫃體,兼具美感與有效提升空間機能。原陽台窗戶改為大面落地窗,以格柵框架作為展現,光影透射在鄉村風立面文化石牆與復古磚上,帶點懷舊氣息與復古氛圍,也多了一處沈靜放鬆的小天地;視廳室以低調沈穩的黑白色系,並設置一處吧檯,襯托男屋主的休憩品味;孩子房間以桃紅、綠色來增添生活童趣,書房白色乾淨明亮作為基底,透過腳踏車與輕巧傢飾擺設顯示個性層次,展現對生活環境意趣與悠閒自在意境。 Given clients’ personalities and preferences, the designer incorporated various ideas to offer the family the most comfortable living area. Her design is based on clients’ living styles: simplicity, cleanliness and cheerfulness characteristics. Since the host likes plainness and the hostess likes the nature of country style, the design has more space to utilize her creativity to mix diverse life styles to meet the need. The common area is spacious and elegant, presenting natural and relaxing atmosphere. In the meanwhile, the frisky atmosphere is presented by means of the applications of wood floors and white walls. The joyful part of dining area is finished with clean-cut colors, culture stone walls, and decorated iron racks. The susceptible kitchen and dining room show smooth space arrangement with wide vision. According to the size and location of pillars, the designer customized cabinets for storage use that give both beauty and functionality of the space. The original balcony windows were replaced by high-ceiling windows framed with grilles. Sunlight can ultimately project on the culture stone walls and bricks which develops the air of old-time memory. The entertainment room was decorated in black and white with a bar installed revealing the host’s taste. The kids’ room was painted in candy pink and green to enjoyment. The bright study room painted in white with delicate setup of furniture and bikes shows the laid-back attitude.