湛藍之海,串錨之塢 The Boat House

位於大河出海口的淡水,依山傍海,形成一個環境絕佳的自然地勢,易守難攻的地形,也成為台灣擠身大航海時代的重要關口,一個內路與海權交會,接收、發散異地文化的政經中心,一個薦古匯今的所在。本案即位處淡水臨河岸的Y字路口中央,由基地向外望,一側為蔚藍海水,一側則是熱鬧的老街集市。空間本身為舊建築頂樓增建改建而成的私人招待所,我們從基地的條件發想,善用舊建築具備的特殊條件與素材,結合過盡千帆的港埠印象,將整體空間結合「船」的意象進行設計。招待所外為一大型露臺,我們將之設定為船艙外的甲板,欄杆外,一望無垠的淡水河口,與湛藍天空連成一線,結合仿舊處理的木質地板鋪面、沙發躺椅與室外浴缸,營造如同置身遊艇般悠閒的空間氛圍。延續此種海洋風格,踏入室內,在全然開放的長方形空間中,只見深色系貼皮木作牆,結合大量白色木質天花,並植入大量圓弧-從屋頂造型到空間平面布局,皆以此種設計方式,點綴出方整空間中的一絲趣味感。招待所內,除了引進水池外,我們也將大量的船隻構件轉化為生活空間中可用,亦或是裝飾性的媒材,包括以投射燈造型設計的客廳燈飾、自天花板垂降而下的船竿、鏈條結合船錨的裝飾物…等。透由豐富的海洋元素,結合主題明確的內容設計,讓新與舊、過去與現在,都能在如此閒適的空間設計中,產生決然不同的新感受。 Tamsui District, an essential area from the point of view of geography and history, is where the private club, in this project, situated. Adjacent to Tamsui River and waterfront area, so-called Tamsui Old Street, the project is a private club redesigned in boat house appearance, based on the idea of seaport. With great view of sea, the terrace of the club, the deck-style wooden floor, the recliners and the outdoor bathtub have created relaxing atmosphere as if sailing on a boat. When stepping in the building, we will a rectangular space decorated with dark veneer walls, white ceiling and curves that make the entire space appealing. In addition to the pool, a number of boat components are applied as well, including boat lightings in the living room, dangling mast from ceiling, boat anchor, etc. The elements of design, based on ocean, has created a whole new architectural style.