叙品办公室 Xupin office

推开厚重朴实的玻璃门,我们走进的是光与影的世界。首先映入眼帘的是右手边的小船、芦苇、石鸭,走近一步,又不禁被其后的老木、落叶所吸引。回首转身离开之际,却更加恍惚,因为黑色的地砖宛若水面一般,加之调皮的灯光挤过天花竹竿的缝隙,悠然的洒在“湖面”上波光粼粼,更让人有置身水面的错觉。 前台背景墙上“叙”字清晰可辨,而“品”则飘散在光影中,似有似无半虚半实,虚幻、未知、自由、活力……。看似简单的两个字,将中华民族的禅意文化和汉字灵魂相融合,未来将有更多的“叙”品之作从这里诞生,从这里迸射设计之美,人文之光。 走进设计区,看到的是由无数黑色钢管交错排列组成的穹顶,这个穹顶是在模仿发动机的外形,在里面工作的是叙品团队,也就是叙品的源动力,是他们推动了叙品向更高更远未来腾飞。 本案主题除原生态禅意外,另一重点就是环保:所有墙面没有过多的粉刷修饰,用经过特殊处理的旧木板代替了我们常见的乳胶漆或者壁纸墙面;会议室的隔断采用的是环保二手镂空木质隔窗;大厅没有使用传统的天花隔板,取而代之的是简洁优雅的细竹。走进叙品,我们闻到的不是刺鼻的油漆味,是清新纯净的自然气息;感受到的不是办公室的呆板无味,是自然的生机谐趣。 Open the simple and unadorned glass doors ,we step into a world of light and shadow. You will see a small boat, a stone duck and reeds on your right at your first glance. The you get closer and can not help being attracted by the old wood and fallen leaves behind the boat. After a little while, when you turn around and begin to leave, you may feel even more confused ----black floor tile looks like a lake, naughty light ,pouring down?through?the?ceiling bamboo, is ?shimmering on the?“lake” ,which make the feeling of being on the water more lifelike. The word ‘XU’ on the background wall is?clearly visible, but word ‘PIN’ is drifting away in the shadow and light. Form?the atmosphere,?with?virtual?reality, reverie, Unknown, freedom ,energy…The two simple words combine the national zen culture with the soul of Chinese character, and more wonderful articles will be created from here in the future, with the beauty of design and the light of humanity. Walking into designing district ,a huge dome, imitating the shape of engines, made with countless black steel pipe will be seen .The people working under the dome are the designing teams of XUPIN, who are the driving force of the company that they push XUPIN to a higher , further and wilder future. Besides of original ecological zen studies, another important theme of the case is environmental protection: there is not too much decoration on walls ,old boards are widely used instead of traditional emulsion paint and wallpaper; The partition of the meeting room adopts green second-hand ?hollowed-out wooden windows; Instead of using traditional ceiling panels, the hall ceiling was decorated by simple, elegant bamboo. Walking into XUPIN, we can smell fresh ,pure, nature flavor, not the pungent smell of paint; Walking into XUPIN, we can feel wonders and interests of nature , not the dull atmosphere of the office.