Pale ink淡墨秋山

项目位于雅居乐滨江国际,开始于2016年3月1号,竣工于2016年11月10号。 Project is located at Agile Riverside International and decorated on 1st, March, 2016 and completed on 10th, November, 2016. 在当今这个多元化的世界,我们愈发认识到其实单一在某种程度上已经成为了沉闷、无趣以及安于舒适圈的代名词,急需挑战和打破。 生活从来就不止一个镜面,它就像一面多棱镜,可以反射出七色光。它应该不只有一种标准、一种模式、一种状态,它应该是多元的、丰富的,并且有着具有不同纵深的内涵。而家,亦然。 In current diversified world, we realize more and more that singleness sometimes means depressing, boring and be?satisfied with?the?status quo. We need challenge and break. Life is not only one mirror surface. It’s like a polygon prism and reflects multi-color-light. There shouldn’t be only one standard, one mode and one status of life. It should be diversified, abundant and with different connotation. So does our home. 客餐厅的护墙板、墙顶面嵌入的拉丝不锈钢,绝佳视觉美的背后其实是对设计师和施工团队的严苛高要求。直接而干练的线条如同中国绘画中的白描,轻盈却使人感受到灵动之美。刻意选择了极具西方精致感的餐桌椅加以中和,中西合璧在这里体现的刚刚好。 The perfect visual of wiredrawing stainless steel embedded in chair rail and top surface of living room and dining room shows the high requirement of designer and construction team. Direct line is similar with the line drawing in traditional Chinese painting, relaxed but flexible. And we choose western delicacy dining table and chairs deliberately to neutralize and shows combining style between Chinese and western architecture. 设计其实是双向的沟通和表达。一个优秀的设计师需要在和屋主的沟通过程中,认真的了解屋主的喜好、品味、性格,从而推延出契合他的设计。同时摒弃单一,想要用丰富的设计语言来营造一个充满意境的空间将中西合璧结合的刚刚好也是一大挑战。 Design is bidirectional communication and express. An excellent designer should find out his interest, taste and character during communicating with home owner and work out suitable design. Meanwhile, it’s also a big challenge for us to abandoned singleness, build artistic space and combine eastern and western.