精锐教育(上海花木校区) 1-Smart Education (Shanghai Huamu Campus)

精锐教育是一家专门为中国初中生提供课程培训的机构,主要为学生的入学考试提供优质教师的一对一授课,帮助学生取得更好的考试成绩。 在紧张的升学压力下,我们希望在校区空间的设计上,融入更多的寓教于乐氛围,在视觉及感受上为学生的提供一个轻松、愉悦的学习空间。将“插接益智玩具”这一存在于我们印象中的玩具元素,贯穿于整个空间甚至家具的设计中,迎合了品牌的教育理念,创建了强有力的品牌符号,同时为学生打造了一个快乐、高效的第三学习空间。 1-SMART Education is a specialized course training institution for Chinese junior and high school students, mainly to provide one-on-one tutoring for preparing the college entrance examination and help students achieve higher test scores. In spite of the daunting academic pressures brought by the examination-oriented education system, we intend to incorporate more edutainment factors into the campus space design, so that a relaxed learning environment can be made available for students feel. All of us can recall the "plug-in educational toys", which are now utilized for the whole space and even furniture designs to meet the brand's teaching and educational concepts. Therefore, a powerful brand symbol can be established to introduce a happy and efficient tertiary learning space to all students.