管宅 Residence Guan

在这项目里,希望处处都是景色、画面、光线、意境及实用的生活细节,所以很贪心的把这些要求都考虑到了设计中。 项目位于三亚海棠湾,是个度假型的住宅及小型私人会所酒店,共有12个房间,包括餐饮区、公共区和娱乐区等功能。最初接到项目时,还是一个未完成的建筑物,因此主要任务就是对其进行建筑和结构的改造,以及从室内到室外完成细节工程,交付使用。 三亚当地气候炎热,太阳毒辣,由于建筑地处海边,海风特别大,海水盐分高,腐蚀性强,所以材料的选择对于整个工程的质量非常重要,最终选用了山东白锈石、原木、质感漆三种耐久性比较高的装饰材料。 改造时,加建了大面积的平台,一是为了遮挡太阳,二是横线条的平台体块,很容易与环境融合在一起,让人与自然产生更好的情绪互动。活动区上巨大的屋面平台可以举行烧烤、酒会或婚礼等大型活动,大大的增强了场地的使用性,也可以跟室内的庭院小道形成强烈的节奏感。室内部分尽量裸露的结构形式,有助于显示空间的高度,在这基础上延伸它,形成更清晰的韵律感。 每个角落里,设置了雕塑、绘画、装置、灯具甚至稻草房、溪流等等不同的配饰,体现了院落包容丰富、热情奔放的情感文化,同时,体块构成把所有的内容糅合在一起,又让喧闹中有了主线,有了宁静,给度假的人以心灵的休憩。 In this project, we hope everywhere is full of the scenery, picture, light, mood and practical details of life, so we are greedy to show all the requirements in the design. The project is located in Haitang Bay, Sanya. It is a holiday residence and small private club hotel. There are 12 rooms, including dining area, public area and entertainment area. When the project was first received, it was an unfinished building, so our main task is to carry out its construction and structural transformation, to complete the project from indoor to outdoor in details,and to deliver the project. Climate in Sanya is hot and the sun shimmered harshly, the building is located in the sea, there is the strong sea breeze, the high salt water, and the strong corrosive, all these factors makes the choice of material become very important for the quality of the entire project. Finally, we chose the Shandong white rust stone, logs, and texture paint, cause these three kinds decorative materials are with high durability. We built a large platform in order to block the sun, in the meanwhile the horizontal lines of the platform block is easy to integrate with the environment, it makes people interact better with nature. The huge roofing platform on the activity area can hold large activities such as barbecue, cocktail party or wedding, it greatly enhanced the use of the site, but also can form a strong sense of rhythm with the indoor courtyard trails. The structure indoor which is exposed as much as possible can help to show the height of the space, and we extend it on this basis to form a more beautiful sense of rhythm. We put the sculpture, painting, installations, lamps and even straw houses, streams and some different decorations in every corner, that embodies the passionate emotional culture. At the same time, the body composition Mix all the content together,so that there is main line and peace in the noisy, it makes people there have a rest of mind.