海之冠酒店 Haizhiguan Hotel

广东省阳江市文化源远流长;秦汉时期阳江属于南海郡,自秦汉以来,这里逐渐形成南北双向辐射的经济走廊。由于独特的地理位置优势,南朝时期,这里商贸发达。唐宋时期阳江盛产瓷器、漆器;商人建妈祖庙。 The culture of Yangjiang City in Guagndong has a long history; it belonged to Nanhai County during the Qin and Han dynasties, and since then, Yangjiang gradually became an economic corridor that influenced both south and north. With its unique geographical position, the business and trade in Yangjiang became prosperous during the Nan dynasty; and during the Tang and Song dynasties, Yangjiang abounded in porcelains and lacquerware, and businessmen began to build Mazu temples. 海立云垂,冠盖往来。海之冠大酒店选址阳江海陵岛闸坡镇,这里拥有天然迷人的海岸线特色,项目位置属当地观看日出之最佳景点。踏上海陵岛,面朝浩瀚大海,思想穿越几千年历史;以大海为引,导入中国画线描手法,以瓷器、漆器创作之匠心,为海之冠大酒店定下了创作灵感之基调。不同于以往的滨海度假酒店就是东南亚的感觉。海之冠是当代东方文化与时尚气息舒适的功能混然成的作品。 Haizhiguan Hotel is located in Zhapo Town on Hailin Island of Yangjiang, where the coastal line is natural and charming. The hotel is the best site on the island to view the sunrise. Stepping on Hailin Island and facing the vast ocean, your mind will go through thousands of years. The building of Haizhiguan Hotel is designed with the elements of line drawing of Chinese painting, the ocean and the porcelains and lacquerware. Different from other Southeast Asian-style costal hotels, Haizhiguan Hotel is a masterpiece that combines the oriental culture, fashion and comfort together.