三亚中信半岛云邸会所Sanya Peninsula Clubhouse – CITIC Real Estate

会所是位于三亚鹿回头海边的度假会所。经过一系列的空间修正、防潮防漏处理后,设计师保留原有横梁和柱子的基础上,增加一些横梁作平衡,使之改造成一个极具空间感的大堂。此外,把原来的户外泳池缩窄,用落地玻璃窗把泳池所节省的空间规划到室内,规划出约60米醇香咖啡长廊,并使用三交六椀菱花样式木格栅连贯了长约155米的多个功能空间,再加上大量古玩陈列品和中式家具的配合,使总体感觉统一并彰显中式气派。 The clubhouse is locates in the seaside of Luhuitou scenic area in Sanya city. After space modification, the designers transformed a disposed, dampening and even seemingly leaking space into a grand lobby entrance. Furthermore, the outdoor swimming pool was narrowed and its saved space was brought into indoors and transformed into a 60-m long coffee lounge with the use of full-height glass panel, and coherently decorated with smoky oak grille with a Sanhualiuwan rhombus pattern to connect the individual functional rooms. In addition, the display of large number of artefact and antique Chinese furnitures, creates a sense of the heritage of Chinese culture and harmonious coherence.