法雨 Rain of Dharma Truth

《法雨》是为中国四大名刹之一南京栖霞寺设计的茶室方案,是设计师对心与空间关系的一次探索。灵感源自《妙法莲花经》中的“法雨”一词,意指佛法普度众生,像雨水一样润泽万物。该设计用佛教中极有象征意义的佛珠代表雨珠,高低错落地将各个空间区隔开来。每一颗佛珠都由信众念佛号“南无阿弥陀佛”加持,意象地用几十万颗佛珠展现出法雨从天而降的殊胜意境。置身其中,仿佛是用从天而降的法雨泡煮禅茶。品茶间,让内心在这个空间中得到洗涤和滋润。 Rain of Dharma Truth is the designing scheme of tearoom of Qixia Temple in Nanjing, one of four famous temples in China. It means designer’s exploration in the relationship between spirit and space. The inspiration stems from the word “rain of dharma truth” written in Saddharmapundarika-sutra which implies that Buddha dharma gives relief to all mortal beings as the rain moisturizes everything on the earth. This design uses Buddha beads which have symbolic meaning in the Buddhism to represent rain drop, the beads placed at different heights separating the space. The believers chant the “Namo Amitabha” to enchant every Buddha beads, and hundreds of thousands of Buddha beads constitute a transcendental scenario that rain of dharma truth descends from the sky. Seated here, it seems that you are making the tea with the rain springing from the sky. When you taste the tea, your spirit gets purified and moisturized in this space.