山雲間 Between Mountain and Cloud

順著挑高的樓層條件,裁剪成上、下兩個場域。微調的格局,底樓保留雙房機能,另增闢獨立更衣室,支援日常生活收納使用。原緊縮在邊間角落的小廚房,打開封閉的屏障,雙動線設計引領動線延展,讓廚房一躍成為這個"家”的中心,一座生活中心的自由島嶼。 在這裡,廚房不僅擔負著烹煮的角色,開放式島型廚房設計的大長桌也可以是聚會餐桌、親子閱讀桌,甚至是一個人寫寫畫畫、調劑心情的發呆角落。因為,屋外山巒美景無時無刻地透過景觀窗向室內放送,傳遞每一點綠意生氣。 挑高客廳開闊無壓,主牆以一道挑高書牆作為主題,將整個公共空間包覆在朗朗書笑聲裡。樓上的書牆區的空橋,製造垂直空間對話,連結室內屋外景致。設計時以山為鄰的概念,特別在迎向山谷的主題書牆,做出曲折”不規則”櫃體立面,引動視覺,從裡到外,將山與雲、櫃與屋頂對比的折線表現,與自然連結,表現青山陵線的山雲折線。 山不來就我,我這來就山。家,彷彿隱入山林裡,化為天邊一抹雲彩,在家休憩遐想的時光,有如山居歲月的悠然。 With the mountain views in mind, the essence and possibility of a maisonette are at the core of design concept. To unite the two levels seamlessly, the center of the home has been created, the elegant and open kitchen-dining zone, which is a grand upgrade for the former cramped corner kitchen and corridor dining. The island becomes the large dining table, also the desk for homework. In the double-height living zone, a themed wall of undulating bookshelves is a representation of the distant hills in view.