金海岸花園私人住宅 Guangzhou Golden Coast Garden Private Residence

室内布局完全呈开放式设计,客厅和阳台则设有两扇白色木花格屏风做分隔,使屋内跟屋外能完美融合,让最多的自然光能照进室内,并突出屋外的翠绿景致,同时呈现屋子独有的建筑特色。Evans指出:这个单位的真正美感来自宽敞的空间和独有的户外翠绿景观,所以无论是夫妇二人想要个人独处的时间、共处的珍贵时刻,还是随意享受生活,他们也能在这个专属的楼层内做喜爱的事。 全屋四壁及天地,像是个无彩框架,Evans说是可以安排,为的是造就一个雪白简约的空间氛围,宛如一幅白布景,一个最简单的生活舞台,而上演的故事与内容,则留待户主来编导。不过本案得天独厚的宽阔玻璃幕墙,和室外绿意盎然的景色,设计师都恰到好处地将之引入室内,成为一幅最自然的室内风景,只在饭厅选挂一幅巨型蓝色油彩画,已能营造出内外呼应的自然点缀情调 The interior layout is completely open design, the living room and balcony are equipped with two white muhuage screens to separate, make the house and the outside can perfect fusion, let the most natural light energy into the room, and highlight the green landscape outside the house, and the unique building characteristics of the house. Evans points out that the real beauty of the unit comes from spacious space and unique outdoor green landscape, so whether couples want to be alone in time, the precious moments of coexistence, or enjoy life at will, they can do things in this exclusive floor. The whole house is like a there is no frame, Evans says the arrangement is to create a white minimalist space atmosphere, like a white set, a simple life stage, and the story of the story and content left to the head of the head. However, the residential unique wide glass curtain wall, and the outdoor green scenery, designers are just right to introduce it into the room, become the most natural indoor scenery, only in the dining room to choose a huge blue paint painting, has created an internal and external echo of the natural tone