
北京·朝阳东坝,在现代城市发展中沉寂已久,如今,时代契机赋予这片土地新的生机。保利首开携手,谱写“为城市高端客户打造精工建筑的墅邸”的城市理想。盖茨比庄园中穹顶设计的华丽大厅,井然有序的定制衣帽回廊,托尼斯塔克府邸中的海天一线景观卧室,是时代涌流下“有闲阶级”的居住蓝本。他们爱思考、爱创造,更爱冒险,对于生活他们有个性,对高品质,对美学有着开阔的视野。 The La Vita E Bella is located in Dongba, Chaoyang District, Beijing, with great concentration on development by Poly Real Estate and Beijing Capital Development to provide crafted luxury villa for business elites.From and movie , we have an new description of top of elites, which is “The Leisure Class”. While these people were more likely a thinker, creator, a explore, that’s why they more concern on the quality life, and have ambitious vision of aesthetics. 本案为一城央私墅,固有、特定的风格已不能满足主人的审美情趣,于是,文化符号被自由地搭配在一起,造就了“混搭风”的兴起。首层以天然材料、质感色彩和利落的线条来塑造,简约中有艺术品位、结构中深藏形式美。带有工业复古气息的陈设,表达了主人对于家居世界中不同价值观的探索。 This case is a private villa in middle of city, the owner would not satisfy with inherent and particular design style, he wish a more personalized space. So, different cultural symbol and design methods were used to create a “Mix & Match” designed space. By using natural material, texture color and agile line, to form a contracted space with artistic taste and form beauty. 纵观本案设计,SNP“室内建筑理论”得到了最好的诠释,通过深入的研究与调整,让每个空间达到最佳的体验需求,完美的呈现“混搭风”(MIX &MATCH)设计。这一切都可归结于对有闲阶级生活情趣的探索与理解。工业美学只是一梦华胥,然融合了古典美学、现代美学,将复古与现代、功能与美学完美结合,呈现雅致、格调的空间体验。 Overview this case, it is well interpreted the SNP’s “Interior Architect theory”, through depth research and adjustment, to achieve an excellent physical experience of design, and well performed “Mix & Match” style design. Which all attributed to the exploration and understanding of the life of the leisure class. The present of industrial aesthetics is one particularly thriving, while mix with classical aesthetics, modern aesthetics, to present a elegant, stylish space experience.