
放下白天的浮躁,悉心与一处归所,无压力,无喧哗,是一种纯粹而简单的状态。减少繁华的装饰,放弃复杂的拼砌。以光为分界区分空间划分主次,配色概念基于黑、白与自然天色的结合。以自由为灵感设计的一个极简主义的空间环境,每个区域采用开放式的方式却相辅相成,无拘无束,彰显对自由生活的追求,极力营造冷静却又安全感的空间。爱音乐爱生活,关上灯,摒弃杂念,静赏夕阳无限好... Put down the day of impetuous, careful with a return, no pressure, no noise, is a pure and simple state. Reduce the bustling decoration, give up the complex puzzle. The distinction between space and light is divided into primary and secondary levels. The concept of color is based on the combination of black, white and natural.A minimalist space environment inspired by freedom, each region is open, but it is complementary to each other, showing the pursuit of free life, and strive to create a cool but safe space. Love music love life, turn off the lights, get rid of distractions, quiet sunset infinite good ...